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Tue. 08 May 2012 Director Elliot London: Be a part of my film FRIEND and stop bullying
Tue. 08 May 2012 Gay Indiana teenager kicked out of school for scaring bullies with stun gun
Mon. 07 May 2012 Longtime LGBT Movement Leader Donna Red Wing Hired as New One Iowa Executive Director
Mon. 07 May 2012 AIDS Legal Council of Chicago Names Director of Community Relations
Mon. 07 May 2012 Catholic school refusing to allow Matthew Shepard Scholarship presentation
Mon. 07 May 2012 Education Secretary Duncan endorses gay marriage
Mon. 07 May 2012 Bill Clinton records robo-call against North Carolina gay marriage ban
Mon. 07 May 2012 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemns bullying in new video
Sun. 06 May 2012 Vice President Biden comes out for gay marriage
Sat. 05 May 2012 Republican GOP politician in North Carolina mocks lesbian wedding photo
Fri. 04 May 2012 College student convicted of sexually assaulting fraternity brother
Fri. 04 May 2012 Security and transportation restrictions to take effect in Chicago during NATO summit
Fri. 04 May 2012 Eleven state Democratic party leaders endorse gay marriage in platform
Thu. 03 May 2012 'Scrooge and Marley' Begins Filming in Chicago
Thu. 03 May 2012 Judge dismissed entire jury panel after prosecutors ditch gay juror
Thu. 03 May 2012 Pastor Sean Harris: 'Only joking' about beating the gay out of children
Wed. 02 May 2012 Notre Dame punts on gay protections
Wed. 02 May 2012 Missouri Republican comes out and denounces "Don't Say Gay" bill
Wed. 02 May 2012 Dead body discovered at former Gerber/Hart site
Wed. 02 May 2012 Gay Romney advisor quits under right wing pressure
Tue. 01 May 2012 Tony Awards unveils list of 2012 nominees
Tue. 01 May 2012 Rockford's first-ever Pride fest aims to unify, educate and build a better future
Tue. 01 May 2012 Queen Latifah to headline Long Beach Pride
Tue. 01 May 2012 Dan Savage criticized for saying Bible includes 'bullshit'