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Thu. 31 May 2012 celebrates ten years with historic Pride cocktail party
Thu. 31 May 2012 Zach Wahls delivers petition supporting Jennifer Tyrrell, gay mom ousted from Boy Scouts
Wed. 30 May 2012 Bomb and arson investigators called to Lakeview neighborhood
Wed. 30 May 2012 Lambda Legal, ACLU suits challenge Illinois on marriage equality
Wed. 30 May 2012 The Abbey could open by end of year on Halsted
Wed. 30 May 2012 Lambda Legal, ACLU file Illinois lawsuits for equal marriage rights
Wed. 30 May 2012 Dharun Ravi appears in court to begin 30 day sentence in gay suicide case
Tue. 29 May 2012 Illinois State Senate rejects anti-bullying legislation -- twice
Tue. 29 May 2012 Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan blasts Obama on gay marriage
Mon. 28 May 2012 Memorial Day ceremony in Lakeview honors LGBT veterans
Mon. 28 May 2012 Columbia College grad explores 'ex-gay' lives
Sun. 27 May 2012 Woody Woodruff named International Mr. Leather 2012
Sun. 27 May 2012 First openly gay military graduates say they find acceptance
Sun. 27 May 2012 34th Annual International Mr. Leather Contest tonight in Chicago
Sun. 27 May 2012 Gay Chicago TV welcomes Waymon Hudson
Fri. 25 May 2012 NYC DJ Eddie Martinez makes Chicago debut at IML Victory Party
Thu. 24 May 2012 Memorial Day weekend in Chicago: "Leathermen, adult stars and bears, oh my!"
Thu. 24 May 2012 Grand Marshal announced for Chicago's 43rd Annual Pride Parade
Thu. 24 May 2012 White Sox launch campaign against bullying
Thu. 24 May 2012 Co-star in a new music video with LGBT recording artist Matt Zarley
Thu. 24 May 2012 The L Stop celebrates first year as lesbian community resource
Thu. 24 May 2012 'Gay' penguins given donated egg to hatch
Wed. 23 May 2012 Gay marriage doesn't help or hurt President Obama's chances in Florida