A GoPride Interview

Calvin Tran

Calvin Tran interview with ChicagoPride.com

Wed. November 24, 2010  by Jerry Nunn

Calvin Tran
Calvin Tran the controversial new designer on Bravo's The Fashion Show owns three stores in Chicago, New York and LA. He sat down for a quick minute to catch up with old friend Jerry Nunn.

JN: (Jerry Nunn) Hey, Calvin. How have you been?

CT: (Calvin Tran) I'm doing good, long time…

JN: I know! When was the last time that I saw you?

CT: I think like fifteen years ago.

JN: Wow, time flies.

CT: I was living in Chicago for a while.

JN: You were draping women with material at a trunk show when I saw you last and look at you now! You have three stores, what are they called?

CT: Calvin Tran. When they first opened I did all the clothes myself but now I carry different designers at each store.

JN: Where are you originally from?

CT: I am Vietnamese.

JN: You went to the Illinois Institute for Design?

CT: Yes.

JN: Why did you decide to move to New York?

CT: After I got out of college, I had a job in Chicago but it wasn't that great. I wanted to open a store in Soho in New York. So I had to move to New York.

JN: A lot of celebrities have worn your designs like Drew Barrymore.

CT: Yes, when you have a store in Soho it's on the main street and everyone walks by. So all kinds of people wear my clothes.

JN: What made you audition for Bravo's The Fashion Show?

CT: I had no clue about the show. I had a friend e-mail me and tell me to check it out. I had a slow summer and nothing to do. So why the hell not? Maybe this time it would be different and it wouldn't hurt at all to try it.

JN: So first time, with a reality show, how did that go?

CT: I had no clue what I was doing. I just tried to be myself. It was hard and a lot of work but very fun.

JN: Had you met Isaac Mizrahi or Iman before?

CT: No, I had never met him before. I had seen Iman on the street a few times in New York but that was about it. They were wonderful. Iman is an amazing person and very nice. Isaac was a mentor to everyone on the show.

JN: Overall, it was a good experience?

CT: While I was at it, I would hate it sometimes, it was too much work, you know? But after I came out of it I missed it. I realized that I would do it again!

JN: This season there are two teams right?

CT: Yeah, in this season they divide the designers into two houses, each with two teams of six that compete. This will be amazing. You will have never seen something like this before. It is so much fun!

JN: Awesome, what's in the future for you, Calvin?

CT: For me, I did what I set out to do. I want to expand my business to a bigger venue and open more stores all over the country.

JN: Sounds great! You have to come visit soon.

CT: Yes, I will be in Chicago next month so let's go to dinner.

JN: Definitely, we will have to do that. Looking forward to seeing you on the show in the meantime.

Watch what happens by checking your listings at www.bravotv.com and for everything Calvin visit www.calvintran.com.

Interviewed by Jerry Nunn. Jerry Nunn is a contributing writer to the GoPride Network. His work is also featured in Windy City Times, Nightspots Magazine and syndicated nationally.