RuPaul Drag Racers Vanjie and Gottmik spill the tea
Mon. May 31, 2021 by Jerry Nunn
The last time I gambled was on Drag Race…

vanjie and gottmik
Vanjie and Gottmik talk about In the Heights and Drag Race
Warner Bros. partnered with Drive N’ Drag for an immersive experience to promote the new musical movie In the Heights, set in New York City about a bodega owner. Drive N’ Drag is presented by Voss Events and had a superhero themed show for three days in Chicago at Soldier Field May 28, 29 and 30.
Two past contestants of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Vanessa Vanjie Mateo from the tenth and eleventh season and Gottmik from season 13 answered a few questions after their May 29 performance.
Jerry Nunn: What was your favorite part of In the Heights?
Vanjie: My favorite part was when they showed the Hispanic food. They had arroz con gandules and chuletas. It made me reminisce of being at home and having a hot meal.
Gottmik: I watched it with Vanjie. I am a musical whore so I just loved it and I am obsessed.
JN: What is your favorite Puerto Rican food?
Vanjie: Rice and beans. You can’t fuck that up!
Gottmik: I can definitely fuck it up. [laughs]
Vanjie: Yeah, me too.
JN: What are you doing for Pride?
Vanjie: We are going to be working.
Gottmik: We are on Drive N’ Drag this whole Pride month. We are going to try to get gigs in between. I am really excited about having some time off, too.
Vanjie: We are trying to find trade so we can really celebrate Pride. We going to be on Grindr and get horned by the unicorn!
JN: Do you have “vaccinated” on your profile?
Gottmik: Vax4Vax!
Vanjie: We are vaccinated and want to get penetrated!
JN: Vanjie, are you going back to Las Vegas for RuPaul’s Drag Race: Vegas Revue?
Vanjie: Yes, we are coming back on August 5.
Gottmik: I perform at Piranha Nightclub on July 3, so I will be there over 4th of July weekend, party!
JN: Do you gamble?
Gottmik: I’ve never been to Vegas for fun in my life, but I would gamble.
Vanjie: I don’t gamble.
Gottmik: I have never tried, so I might as well.
Vanjie: The last time I gambled was on Drag Race…
JN: It paid off.
Vanjie: Right, that was a good gamble.
JN: Do you ever get tired of hearing Miss Vanjie?
Vanjie: No. It is my name. Imagine if it was some crazy name like Bootie Hole and I had to hear that all the time?
JN: What do you think of the recent video announcement of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars? One of your besties is on it.
Vanjie: Yes, a few of them. I live for the whole concept and color.
Gottmik: I love a sunset theme and feel I could have slayed that. They went above and beyond. They had the most intricate artistry I have ever seen. I couldn’t even keep up!
JN: What would you tell the next generation that want to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race?
Gottmik: I would tell them to relax, because all it takes it to be yourself. You need to not worry about what any other bitch is doing, just worry about yourself. It is your personality shining through and about anyone else.
Vanjie: Stay true to yourself. Most of the stuff that you try to produce and put on doesn’t translate well. Just try to have fun and relax, even though when you get there it isn’t going to happen. If you can sneak a bottle or two to unwind do that as well!
JN: Where are you going next on Drive N’ Drag?
Vanjie: New York and Washington.
Gottmik: It is just starting. We going to hit all those cities on the East Coast.
Vanjie: We are about to switch the girls around. Violet Chachki is joining and Kameron Michaels too. We are getting rid of some and bringing in some new.
JN: Are you going out tonight in Chicago?
Vanjie: We are definitely going out tonight and slinging pussy!
Gottmik: We are going to bar hop like it is nobodies business. We are about to show Chicago how you do it!
JN: Favorite musical of all time?
Vanjie: Grease!
Gottmik: Mine is in between Hedwig and the Angry Inch and Little Shop of Horrors.
Vanjie: You don’t like the most recent one Cats?
JN: No cats are allowed!
Vanjie: Those cats looked like they got ran over and came back again!
The movie In the Heights is released in theaters and also HBO Max on June 11. Visit for future Drive N’ Drag dates.
Interviewed by Jerry Nunn. Jerry Nunn is a contributing writer to the GoPride Network. His work is also featured in Windy City Times, Nightspots Magazine and syndicated nationally. Follow @jerrynunn