A GoPride Interview
Coco Peru
Coco Peru interview with ChicagoPride.com
Wed. February 18, 2009 by Jason P Freeman

coco peru
Coco's Cooking
The Iconic Coco Peru shares her recipe for a spicy burlesque treat
Ingredients - *Aperitifs, something with nuts (Frangelico or Amaretto recommended); *bulges and breasts; a whole bunch each; *a heaping portion of Miss Coco; *two to several really hot Latinos; and *digestifs, but no Rum and Coke. Coco says, "That's disgusting."
Famed female-impersonating performer Miss Coco Peru may have been immortalized through her bold, bathroom-stall cameo in 1999's Trick, where the Bronx-born beauty warned a urinating character of the traumas that befall boys when bodily fluids strike the iris. However, quite the accomplished comedic queen, Peru offers the world far much more than just toilet humor. To Wong Foo..., an award-winning role in Girls Will Be Girls, Will & Grace, Arrested Development, and Disney's The Wild are among many of her film and TV credits.
In 2004, Peru received a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Los Angeles Theatre, and continues to work the L.A. circuit with a retrospective of all her stage shows being held at the city's Gay & Lesbian Center this spring. You can also catch her voice-over as Mother Morally Superior in an episode of LOGO's Rick and Steve the Happiest Gay Couple in All the World.
Following her return from Australia, where she'll be performing at this year's Mardi Gras, Peru hits up Chicago as the 2009 Mistress of Ceremonies for the Test Positive Aware Network's annual strip-show sensation, Chicago Takes Off. And when it comes to burlesque, Peru's got a recipe that's sure to satisfy all salacious tastes.
* Prior to baking the near-naked, boy-and-girl ballet, tease your taste buds with an aperitif, preferably one with nuts. "I used to love Amaretto," Peru shares, but admits Crème de Cocoa may be more applicable. Afterwards, acquire tickets to a large audience-serving stage—one that can accommodate hundreds of flesh-hungry gays. The Park West, where Chicago Takes Off once again takes place, will do nicely.
* Next, throw in the main ingredients. Peru's recipe requires, "a whole bunch of beautiful bulges and hot breasts." Peru reminds, "It is a burlesque show."
* For texture, Peru suggests a healthy portion of herself. "With all that makeup [I wear], it's sure to add some texture to the mix."
* Peru favors hotter flavors. To season, she suggests using "One really hot Latino for spice, or several if you can handle the heat."
* Allow the sexy scenes to simmer "for as long as it takes." The show typically runs around 90 minutes. According to Peru, you'll know the dish is done when you taste it. And what will it taste like? "Kids," she says, "you’ve tasted it before. You’ll know."
* When it comes time to add the icing on the figurative cake, Peru prefers to use the same ingredients. To top off the night, Peru advises smearing on "one really hot Latino." "I don't like change," she says.
* Finally, indulge and enjoy, but be sure to keep the concoction out of your eyes. Have you ever had Coco's cooking in your eye? It burns!
Chicago Takes Off , featuring emcee Miss Coco Peru, takes the stage at The Park West, March 7, 2009, with shows at 7
:30 and 10 p.m. Tickets are available online at www.chicagotakesoff.org.
Interviewed by Jason P Freeman