Jessika's Gay Days
Tue. June 21, 2005 12:00 AM
by Jessika Sterling
"Jessika's Gay... and she's going to Disney World!!!"
NEWS FLASH... thousands of america's sexiest gay men (... and one tall blonde) invade this nation's symbol of wholesome, conservative straight America ... Walt Disney World!!!
Imagine walking down the "main drag" (pun intended) of the Disney Studio Lots in full "gigs", in "broad" daylight (pun intended), surrounded by the hundreds of vacationing stroller-bound , toddler-tethered, animatedly-garbed families... and then have several mouse-eared "rugrats" come running towards you exuberantly yelling "BARBIE... IT'S BARBIE!!!"... only to have their shocked parents scramble to quickly head them off from certain contamination from the immoral pregatory of...
"That Gay Lifestyle"
(... .oh, the horrors of style, proper grooming and fabulous taste.)
Isn't it interesting how people will spend hundreds of dollars to be scared, thrilled, thrown, dropped, flung, flown, and even soaked... and throughout the whole experience, surrounded by overly-animated, live-sized cartoon characters, monsters, and performers... yet, when a tall blonde in a Versace mini-dress, Burberry boots, and fabulously adorned cowboy hat leads a group of several thousand "fabulously accessorized" circuit boys into the park... they seemed paralyzed with god knows what emotion...
... what was it???... shock... fear... disgust... confusion... disbelief... condemnation ... intimidation ... hmmm, maybe jealously of our overwhelming self-confidence to be proud of who we are and not really giving a shit what they think??? Maybe it was us feeling pitty for their wasted existence of not welcoming creativity and diversity in all human beings ... and of course an amazingly fabulous wardrobe???
Believe it or not, the Walt Disney World Organization has not officially or publicly sponsored "Gay Day" for the last 15 years... but, isn't it amazing how they as a company, which has several gay executives... and I'm sure we'll all agree, a majority of park staff that is "not straight"... that in this day and age will at least recognize that our money is as green as everyone else's... as long as "everyone else" doesn't know about it!
Have you ever seen a commercial promoting Disney Gay Day?... ever seen an ad in a main stream magazine?... what are they afraid of?... open-mindedness ??
... or are they afraid that all gay-lifestyles are the same... and we are all just one big stereo-type... that none of us are "normal"... or "conservative"...
... god forbid, "Conservativism" and "Normality" at an amusement park?!
Wouldn't it be amazing if Disney actually developed a totally gay-oriented theme park?!
Could you imagine the fabulous costumes... Mickey with six-pack abs dancing on a box... Tinker Bell being constantly harassed by the "Goofy police" for suspicion of "crystal meth" possession... extravagantly-designed venues created by such designers as Jean-Paul G... .Gucci... Prada... and Chanel...
I can see it now...
The Karl Lagerfeld's "Adventures in Drama!" ... where you're whisked away into a fabulously over-done world of bold colors... luxurious textures... extravagant details ... constant paranoia ... sleep deprivation... mysteriously-excessive weight lose ... merciless criticizing of your wardrobe... and the condescending attitudes of everyone who are not you!
-blonde segway-moment #1-
Wouldn't it be interesting to see remakes of some our favorite Disney cartoon classics? As Disney and the other major studios are starting to realize that the gay-audience is worth catering to... here are a few suggestions I'd like to pitch to the boyz...
"Top Twelve Animated Gay Disney Movies" we'd all like to see
1. Came-a-lot ("... knights getting poked by a long lance... or is that Lance getting poked all night?")
2. Cinderfella ("... a pitiful fag's tale... ending with a hunkie guy with a shoe fetish, a makeover from a big fairy, and becoming a queen!")
3. Beauty and Beast ("... typical story of the horned-up, rich "troll" trying to woo his "chicken" with his money.)
4. Crystal White and the 7-step program ("The story of the ultimate "Hi-Ho" ... along with... Cranky, Pissy, Catty, Shady, and the other co-dependents")
5. Robutts ("... nuts, screws, and... being wired... it's the Ultimate Circuit Party!")
6. Binding Nemo ("... a naive little clown fish... fish nets, hooking-up, and a big rod!)
7. Sleeping Booty ("... where kissing ass makes you a queen!")
8. 101 damnations ("... portrait of a bitter, gay, catholic drag queen, and her journey to hell and back for the ultimate fashions")
9. Brother Bear ("... 'nuff said")
10. Poca-hot-ass ("... a young squaw's journey into the wilderness... thru the rear!")
11. Lyin' Queen (... a "pride" of big pussies... and their drama of lies, back-stabbing, and cat-fighting... all to be crowned "queen of the jungle".)
12. Mary Poppers (... it's "Super-gala-fag-a-listic-extra-inches-up-your-booty"!)
After a lovely 6-days at Walt Disney World... Miss Jessika Sterling has survived the 15th anniversary of "Gay Day"... with the "Typhoon Lagoon Beach Bash" opening event ... "One Mighty Weekend Party" main event... the "Colosseum Party" closing event ... the daily "Reunion Pool Parties"... and the "Arabian Nights After-hours Parties"...
... and I'm pooped!!!
But, what a great time... and this being my first "Gay Day", I was very impressed with how fabulous everything, and everyone, was thoughout the entire experience.
A special thank you goes out to Bessie and the entire staff at the Wyndham Palace Resort and Spa for being the host hotel for the event... and hooking-up the crew and I with our fabulous suites overlooking all the pool party festivities. The entire crew of Jon, Elliot, Martin, Jaime, Phillip, Brian & Don (Boston), Candy (Girl's Events), and Bill (the founder of were perched high-above in the presidential suite to provide their exclusive live web-cast for all the online viewers worldwide. And our little group of divas were lead by our fearless leaders, and owners of, the extra fabulous Shane and Victor. They put together some amazing coverage of the entire event... and are my very dear friends forever and ever... I love ya guys!!!... xoxox
(... and yes, they are certainly "1st class Bumper Boyz also!!!)
From the live web-streams... to the backstage interviews... and all the amazing photographs... truly portrays all the fabulously positive things about attending circuit parties, like "The One Mighty Weekend Party" @ Disney Gay Day...
... well done guys!... we certainly look forward to many more events!!!
One of the best parts about our time at Disney was how set-up homebase in their lavishly adorned two-level presidential suite, which then basically became the center of the universe for the entire weekend. Everyone was cocktailing, schmoozing, and taking in the sights from one of the two lower balconies or
"holding court" high-above from the penthouse deck for all the tanned boyz below at the "Reunion Pool Party".
... dah'links... it couldn't have been better... I felt just like Evita!!!
The real fun really began on Saturday night with the main event bash, the
"One Mighty Party" @ the Disney MGM Studios lot, hosted by the amazing
Johnny Chisholm Productions. The featured entertainment of the evening was
non-other than the diva herself... Miss Chaka Khan!!!
... and living up to true diva status... Miss Khan showed up hours late... sang 3 songs, none of which were her newest song that was contracted, and had a manager physically put his hand over the press photographers cameras after the first song stating that they were only allowed to shoot during her first song!... .ahhhh, drama!!! ... what would a gay-event be without it?!
... oh, wait... and of course there was fireworks!!..haha
Well, anyways... we all hungout backstage for awhile... and it was then time to be off into the mainstreets of the Disney/MGM studios for Miss Jessika Sterling to become the "Mary Hart of the Circuit" and do live on-air interviews with all the fabulous hot men for Adorned in my infamous "comic-strip dress" and microphone
in-hand, I set out with Shane, Victor and the Crew to go, as they put it, "Let Jessika get her schmooze on!!"... and dah'links, did I ever!
Among some of the sweetest, most gorgeous men ever... I also happened to run into some more notable, let's say "Recreational Video Stars" in attendance, like Matthew Rush and a few others who couldn't resist a tall blonde... with a camera!
Some other notables were some of my media hotties from Chicago that I ran into ... such as fellow columnist and music god DJ Plez, and photographer extraordinaire Dave Ouano (see Dave's Gay Day photos). And, of course we had some amazing featured DJ's also, such as Brett Henrichsen, David Knapp, Kimberly S., Tony Moran, ABEL, Tracy Young, Alyson Calagna, Roland Belmares, Warren Gluck, and Manny Lehman spinning all weekend.
After what seemed like meeting EVERYONE at the party... I just "schmoozed myself right down to the ground" and at about 3am my feet decided it was time for our little diva to get out of those heels and be delivered back to her suite and awaiting hot bath, room service, and lavishly adorned king-sized bed (... or should that be Queen-sized?) ... and she would recharge her batteries... as the rest of boyz in the crew went on to the after-hours bash at "Arabian Knights", which is basically a large live performance arena to do themed horse shows.
Oh, but don't worry my dears... just because I went home didn't mean I didn't have fun ... I did however discover a new meaning for the word "room service"... lol
The next day once again brought us our recurring uninvited guest to this weekend's festivities... RAIN!!!
Raining... sun... raining... sun... raining... and isn't it funny how the fags will splash around the pool, but once it rains everyone jumps out... leaving an oil slick of hair product, spray on bronzer, and scented french sun tan oil... lol
As the sun peeked it's head out on and off the entire weekend... the highlight of the "Reunion Pool Party" definitely was Miss Pepper Mashay!!! With "everyone into the pool"... literally... Pepper Mashay held court from the pool stage of the fabulous Wyndham Palace Resort and Spa... and delivered a truly powerful performance. Afterwards, she hungout with Shane & Victor and the Crew, now all personal friends, and with camera in-hand allowed everyone online to tagalong for the fun watching on
Sunday evening, and it was time for the closing event at Universal Studios. We began our evening with everyone in our crew rallying up at the hotel and proceeding thru the lobby... of course seeing yours truly adorned in a tan Versace mini-dress, fringe belt, Burberry boots, and feather adorned cowboy hat upon my waist-length blonde hair did seem to create quite the spectacle... between the boyz "living for my look", the hotel staff paralyzed with confusion, and the valets almost crashing their cars being distracted by this 7-foot blonde... we started this evening off having a lot of fun already.
"The Colosseum Party" @ the Hard Rock in Universal Studios was once again put on by the ever fabulous, and owner of the entire weekend event, Johnny Chisholm Productions direct from Louisiana.
As the boyz and I walked the mile and a half (... in my Burberry boots!) into Universal from the parking structure, I never saw such a perfect dividing line down the middle of main street as all the circuit boyz walked in thru the park as all the families were grabbing their children and filing out with the biggest look of shock and utter confusion on their faces... it was great... .plus having a few of the kids run towards me and yelling... "Look Mom, it's Barbie!!!", as we walked by. It was quite the moment indeed... lol
With my all Access/Media/Backstage/"Goddess Ruler of All" Pass in hand... .I actually spent most of my time hanging-out backstage in the dressing rooms with Chicago's very own Circuit Mom, and my new best friends Power Infiniti and Kitty Meow. As Power and Kitty prepared for their performance, Shane & Victor of and I chatted with these "Divas of the Circuit" on-camera as they explained that this will be the duo's farewell performance after 13 amazing years of just "letting them have it!"
As I sat there noshing with Kyle (Power's Hubby) and the rest of the diva's posse, Power goes on to mention how she will now focus on her already infamous DJ career, being currently featured at such venues as Mansion/Miami and even our very own Cocktails here in Chicago! As for Miss Kitty Meow, she goes on with her continued solo Diva-ness in the scene, as with where I first met her months ago at Ft. Lauderdale's "Coloseum" nightclub.
After another theatrical performance from Circuit Mom doing a Prince number, the boyz and I schmoozed around the party and ran into a lot of friends including Ft. Lauderdale Diva, Miss TP Lords, looking extra fabulous in a blue motif. Later on, as the crowds were being pounded by the thunderous drum performers onstage, we ran into some more of my Chicago Bumper Boyz Mark and Fernando... looking tan and gorgeous as ever... of course it was pictures of everyone!!!!
Then it was time for Power and Kitty to hit the stage, and boy did they ever... what an amazing show! The choreography was flawless and the energy was out of this world... everyone there was losing their minds... these divas truly went out with a bang!
Afterwhich, as the evening wound itself down... we made our way backstage once again to congratulate the dynamic duo and had the added pleasure of chatting with Miami Promoter Michael Tronn, accompanied by his fabulous assistant Michael Stanley, adorned in some very hot Arabian inspired beaded jeans... shake it for momma!
As we bounced around the backstage area and the dressing rooms, I once again had the pleasure of chatting with Mr. "One Mighty Weekend" himself, Johnny Chisholm. He and the rest of the crew seemed to be thoroughly amused by my merciless teasing of Mr. Chisholm's hunkie right-hand man, Phillip Morris. (... Hi, shorty!!! xoxox) He is tall, has an accent... very successful... great sense of humor... and loves ME... I think he is destined to become my future ex-husband very soon... haha
Well... once again your fearless diva just schmooze herself right down to the ground. And considering that we started this whole evening at 7pm... and it was almost 4am! ... I'm sure you can understand why I opted not to attend the "Arabian Nights" after party once again.
The next day began with me getting up at the crack of 4pm... picking up the pieces of Jessika that seemingly exploded the night before and scattered all over her suite (... the look on the hotel maid's face was truly priceless!!!... lol)... and lounging the day away with room service and in-room movies. As the majority of the boyz packed up and scampered off to their flights home... I lounged pool side and chatted with the remaining "boyz of leisure", who like me had high paying jobs and flexible schedules to enjoy this time away and never rush for anything.
... "I know, you just hate me now?!"... lol
The following day, my last day of the "Suite Life", was spent touring the
Disney Marketplace... as I had a few hours before my flight back to Chicago. So, I spent some time checking in on some of my creations from my boy-career as a designer. The next time you visit Disney, I'm sure you'll all take comfort in knowing that the Rainforest Cafe, Team Disney Shop, Xmas Shop, and Barbie/Hot Wheels Shop (which is now a surf shop) were all designed by a gay man who dresses up in women's clothes and travels the world with her Bumper Boyz "getting her schmooze on!"...
... I'm sure that all the straight vacationers and Disney executives are just as happy about that as you are!... lol
... and here are the pictures to prove it!
"I love you all more than my luggage!"
Jessika Sterling
OH... and one more final thing!!! This coming Sunday, June 26th...
Miss Jessika Sterling will once again participate in this year's Chicago Gay Pride Parade... and will be sponsored by JAGUAR!!!
So, Dah'links... look for me in the $100,000+ Sterling Silver Jaguar XKR convertible so graciously provided by...
Howard Orloff Jaguar/Chicago (
I will also be sponsored by &
... so make sure you check them out for all the fabulous pictures of fun coming soon!!!