"Jessika's Gay... and she's going to Disney World!!!"
NEWS FLASH... thousands of america's sexiest gay men (... and one tall blonde) invade this nation's symbol of wholesome, conservative straight America ... Walt Disney World!!!
Imagine walking down the "main drag" (pun intended) of the Disney Studio Lots in full "gigs", in "broad" daylight (pun intended), surrounded by the hundreds of vacationing stroller-bound , toddler-tethered, animatedly-garbed families... and then have several mouse-eared "rugrats" come running towards you exuberantly yelling "BARBIE... IT'S BARBIE!!!"... only to have their shocked parents scramble to quickly head them off from certain contamination from the immoral pregatory of...
"That Gay Lifestyle"
(... .oh, the horrors of style, proper grooming and fabulous taste.)
Isn't it interesting how people will spend hundreds of dollars to be scared, thrilled, thrown, dropped, flung, flown, and even soaked... and throughout the whole experience, surrounded by overly-animated, live-sized cartoon characters, monsters, and performers... yet, when a tall blonde in a Versace mini-dress, Burberry boots, and fabulously adorned cowboy hat leads a group of several thousand "fabulously accessorized" circuit boys into the park... they seemed paralyzed with god knows what emotion...
... what was it???... shock... fear... disgust... confusion... disbelief... condemnation ... intimidation ... hmmm, maybe jealously of our overwhelming self-confidence to be proud of who we are and not really giving a shit what they think??? Maybe it was us feeling pitty for their wasted existence of not welcoming creativity and diversity in all human beings ... and of course an amazingly fabulous wardrobe???
Believe it or not, the Walt Disney World Organization has not officially or publicly sponsored "Gay Day" for the last 15 years... but, isn't it amazing how they as a company, which has several gay executives... and I'm sure we'll all agree, a majority of park staff that is "not straight"... that in this day and age will at least recognize that our money is as green as everyone else's... as long as "everyone else" doesn't know about it!
Have you ever seen a commercial promoting Disney Gay Day?... ever seen an ad in a main stream magazine?... what are they afraid of?... open-mindedness ??
... or are they afraid that all gay-lifestyles are the same... and we are all just one big stereo-type... that none of us are "normal"... or "conservative"...