National News (page 161 of 205)
Sat. 29 May 2010 Malawi president spares gay couple from harsh sentence
Fri. 28 May 2010 Conservatives claim gay soldiers will start attacking straights if DADT is repealed
Thu. 27 May 2010 Congress advances repeal of ‘don't ask, don't tell'
Thu. 27 May 2010 Senate panel votes to end 'don't ask, don't tell
Wed. 26 May 2010 CIA plan: Discredit Saddam Hussein by portraying him as gay
Tue. 25 May 2010 Hollywood Film Festival 2010 calls for entries
Tue. 25 May 2010 Approval of gay relationships passes 50% threshhold
Tue. 25 May 2010 Soldier under investigation after posting `gay terrorist' video on Facebook
Mon. 24 May 2010 White House agrees to dismantling of DADT
Mon. 24 May 2010 Gutierrez, Quigley call for immigration reforms to cover gay couples
Mon. 24 May 2010 Chicago congressmen calling for gay rights in immigration bill
Sat. 22 May 2010 Nancy Pelosi optimistic of 'Don't Ask' repeal
Sat. 22 May 2010 Pentagon paying $4.4 million for gay troop survey
Thu. 20 May 2010 Gay rights activists arrested at Sen. Durbin's office
Thu. 20 May 2010 Ronnie Kroell drops the labels for Playgirl magazine
Wed. 19 May 2010 199 Illinois gay couples married in Iowa since April 2009
Tue. 18 May 2010 24-year-old gay man wins Democratic primary
Tue. 18 May 2010 Antigay Indiana congressman resigns after affair
Tue. 18 May 2010 Elisabeth Hasselbeck backs Laura Bush on gay marriage
Mon. 17 May 2010 'Harry Potter' star films new PSA for LGBT youth group
Mon. 17 May 2010 NYC will offer domestic partner ceremonies
Sun. 16 May 2010 Florida paper calls for end of gay adoption ban following Rekers fiasco
Sun. 16 May 2010 Lesbian Bishop installed in Episcopal church amid protest
Sun. 16 May 2010 `Matrix' creators working on gay war love story