Brent Corrigan
Sean Paul Lockhart is Brent Corrigan
Wed. October 23, 2013 by Bill Pritchard
Brent Corrigan is still the breadwinner. He's a lot more patient and a lot more smiley than Sean.

sean paul lockhart is brent corrigan
Sean vs. Brent: Adult star Brent Corrigan is at it again
The adult film industry's most famous face, Brent Corrigan is at it again! This time, he's on the road. Like the Corrigan character, actor/producer Sean Paul Lockhart, who admits to starting in the industry when he was underage (those films have since been removed from circulation), never tires of meeting his fans and traveling the world. last interviewed Corrigan in early 2013. At that time he was co-hosting the Grabby's. Today, Brent is gearing up for the uniquely different Neverland party at Hydrate Nightclub in Chicago.
BP: (Bill Pritchard) Neverland's Ratchet Ball takes place October 25th. What can we expect to see from you?
BC: (Brent Corrigan) I'm bringing my own unique brand of ratchet. (Adjective: someone who is dirty, nasty, annoying, or busted) I've developed a penchant for a bit of gender bending while still showing off the big boy guns. I've been taught to take myself way too seriously at a young age and on into the development of my first adult company (fighting negative press and pushing back to make a space for myself in the adult world).
These days I just want to let all of that go. The Neverland brand of events is an institution in Boystown. I plan on taking it all by the balls and making it my bitch. I turn 27 on Halloween and I've always been really big on dressing up. We'll have Brent Corrigan Fleshjack give-a-ways and special Fleshjack discount cards for everyone. Show up at 10:00 p.m. and enter for a chance win the costume contest followed by our 'Are you smarter than a pornstar?' game show!
BP: At almost 27-year-old, your physique has evolved from twink to muscle man. Are the big muscles appreciated by most?
BC: It's hard for people to get used to the idea of change, which I find perplexing because we all deal with it in our own lives all the time. Putting on the size for me was about forcing people to stop associating me with my 17 year old self. Sometimes you have to show the change and evolution, not just speak of it. But how much muscle I have at any given time is determined by the latest role I'm bringing to life on camera, how much time I have in the gym, or how much protein I'm getting on a daily basis.
Being big is 180 grams of protein a day, gym 6 days a week religiously for 2 hours at a time, and a whole slew of supplements like Branch Chain Amino Acids, Glutamine, 450 milligrams of Magnesium a day for testosterone synthesis, and several kinds of supplemental protein powders. It's a lifestyle. At five foot, seven inches, I've gotten up to 165lbs at one point. And then, after some photos I was faced with the truth: I don't wear 'big' very well. I look my best at 155lbs. That's much easier to maintain. I have noticed a lot of people that didn't prefer the waifish boy are now coming 'round to the more sculpted man I've become. Sure, I've left a lot of the die-hard twinkie fans behind, but it was going to happen eventually.
BP: With Sean Paul Lockhart more on the scene, many want to know where this leaves Brent Corrigan these days?
BC: Brent Corrigan is still the breadwinner. He's a lot more patient and a lot more smiley than Sean. Sean is the tormented older brother of Brent. I'm starting to creep myself out talking about myself using two different names like they are two different people! But truthfully, you can't divide the two too much because one can't exist without the other. It's early, early stages, but I'm looking at going back into adult media production. I have no plans of modeling in the adult arena again, but I'd like to produce a bit more and revive streaming. I might even start webcam shows there soon just to engage with fans that want to talk and see me on a regular basis.
BP: Recently you had a bit of a fall. Care to clear the rumor mill?
BC: Yes, I'm recovering from the worst injury of my life. I didn't do it on horseback, though at least it'd be easier for people to understand how serious things were. I was carrying a large, empty cardboard box into my flat building. I was wearing flip flops, couldn't see where I was placing my feet, hit a concrete overhang on the sidewalk and went flying. I hit the ground so hard, and so fast, that I couldn't catch myself.
I seriously impacted the entire left side of my body, and smashed my left temple on the concrete, crushing my left ear. I couldn't walk for three days. I couldn't speak and string sentences together. The left side of my head and my face was noticeably swollen. While I've made a good recovery, my left outer quad is still tight and I can't run yet. I won't be jumping horses this show season when it starts in February. But, I will ride again someday. It was very hard to accept my limitations. Within a week I wanted to get up and resume life but I couldn't move and do normal things like walk up and down stairs. I lost a lot of weight and I'm losing my hair on my left temple where my head was swollen.
BP: You seem to have quite the following in Chicago, Sean. What is it about the Midwest that keeps bringing you back?
BC: Chicago is my favorite city. I used to be careful about saying something as definitive as that but I'm not afraid of the truth. The people are kind, easy on the eyes, and the city itself has everything anyone could want. LA is too self-aware. And with San Diego, I could never get a pulse on that town. Besides, when I come home I hide away and play with my horses and my pup. With Chicago, I'm perfectly at home lettin' it all hang out. If it weren't for that damn freezing wind, I might've relocated years ago.
Sean Paul Lockhart will be coming back to Chicago on November 8th for the Reeling Film Festival screening of his mainstream movie, Truth; a suspenseful, psychological thriller, exposing the hidden demons buried deep inside each and every one of us.
Neverland's Ratchet Ball kicks off Halloween weekend at Hydrate Nightclub in Boystown, headlined by major international DJ/Producer Danny Verde, and hosted by Brent Corrigan. The evening starts at 10:00 p.m. with a costume contest, then Are you smarter than a pornstar? at 10:30 p.m.
Of course you can always find Sean on his website
You can also follow Bill Pritchard on Twitter and Instagram.
Interviewed by Bill Pritchard