'Let My People Come" Makes The Old New Again

Fri. November 25, 2011 12:00 AM
by Michael J. Roberts

"Let My People Come" Composed by Earl Wilson Jr., can be looked as a faded musical, where it's obscurity makes the event all the more unique. If you miss this production you will find it a challenge to find the opportunity again. it is an essentially plot-less play, driving it's one theme, sex. The plays history is in ways one of it's most interesting factors. Originally produced in 1974 "Let My People Come" stands at the forefront of the sexual "liberalcies" arising in both art and media. Although not as recognized as such titles as "Deep Throat", "The Rocky Horror Show" etc, the play's questioning of shame towards one of the most basic of human instincts, rings loudly just as well as other hit shows of the time.

Like similar pieces from the era, the play carries a dated duality hard to wipe away, although perhaps one shouldn't. The smell of dust and age is what provides the charm of a long lost treasure hidden among the miscellaneous items stored in an old attic. However the youthful cast does a good job of making the play new. This is a partly autobiographical show, forever changing with each cast that takes it on. While the music stays the same, what comes in between is completely up to the team assembled. Brian Posen has assembled an ensemble who expose themselves on stage (both figuratively and literally.)
It is incredibly difficult to perceive "sexy" on stage, musical or not, and the play requires the ensemble to arouse it's audience, or at least force them to acknowledge their comfort level. The staging, choreography, and performance all do a good job of it, still able to carry just the right amount of humor to go with it. The few moments where the production falls short are where they are simply trying too hard. These moments are too scarce and scattered to define, or point out in a specific cast member.

The cast is a charming, funny and open grouping of individuals, each with a specific voice, all of which have been given the opportunity to shine through. The moments where this becomes problematic are when their voices must fuse into one for what are somewhat of difficult arrangements.

"Let My People Come" can prove to be somewhat tiring by the end of the performance. shock appeal is not a quality that ages well, and the play is heavy in it.The plays point is defined with ease and brevity would make it cleaner.
"Let My People Come" performs Nov 12th - Dec 31st; Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8pm; at Stage 773 - 1225 W Belmont Ave.; Tickets $28 (Group, senior, and student discounts available.) 773 327 5252 Reviewed By: Michael Monteiro