Mon. February 8, 2021
By Bill Pritchard
Today we focus on preparation. Making a good plan for the success of our mental health is super important. Assuming that we are fine, is a slippery slope.
Why not take the time to invest in yourself today? Don't let time be the enemy of your health. Give yourself a few moments to reflect. Especially now!
Be sure to check out other topics in our mental health series:
Mental Health Moment – Music
Mental Health Moment – Pets
Mental Health Moment - Notes
Mental Health Moment - Outlook
Mental Health Moment - Journaling
Mental Health Moment - Faith
Mental Health Moment - Checking In
Mental Health Moment - Voting
Mental Health Moment - Rest
Mental Health Moment - Cheers
Mental Health Moment - Service to Others
Mental Health Moment - Thanksgiving
Mental Health Moment - Process
Mental Health Moment - Preparation
For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links),
Tap here.
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