Mon. November 23, 2020
By Bill Pritchard
It's mental health Monday: A moment to make steps in improving our mental health.
Today we focus on being thankful. With Thanksgiving taking place this week in the United States, it's got me thinking of all the things we can be grateful for. Yes, there is a list of things we can be bitter about, but our appreciation of the little things in our lives can refresh our mental health.
What are you thankful for?
Be sure to check out other topics in our mental health series:
Mental Health Moment – Music
Mental Health Moment – Pets
Mental Health Moment - Notes
Mental Health Moment - Outlook
Mental Health Moment - Journaling
Mental Health Moment - Faith
Mental Health Moment - Checking In
Mental Health Moment - Voting
Mental Health Moment - Rest
Mental Health Moment - Cheers
Mental Health Moment - Service to Others
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