A GoPride Interview

Natasha Bedingfield

Natasha Bedingfield interview with ChicagoPride.com

Wed. March 9, 2011  by Jerry Nunn

Natasha Bedingfield
The London singer Natasha Bedingfield has brought her uplifting music to the masses in a "Pocketful of Sunshine. "Maintaining hit after hit with "These Words" and "Unwritten" she has sold over 3 million albums worldwide. On her way to the Dinah Weekend, she presents her third endeavor Strip Me for her female fans.

JN: (Jerry Nunn) Hello, Natasha. You just performed "Tracks of My Tears" at the White House.

NB: (Natasha Bedingfield) That was my favorite concert ever. Seal and Sheryl Crow were there. I performed in front of Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson. It was incredible to be three feet away from the president and the first lady.

JN: Were you nervous?

NB: I don't really get nervous but in my head I just kind of made it something else like this is just an ordinary gig. I couldn't psyche myself out or I wouldn't be able to do it.

JN: Are you influenced by the Motown sound?

NB: Oh, I am heavily influenced by those singers. That is the thing. I was really comfortable because I love Motown. This was a whole new generation of music honoring Berry Gordy, Stevie Wonder and Martha Reeves. We were thanking them for their contribution to music. Their lyrics did so much for civil rights and freedom. It was music that was pop at the time but actually saying something.

JN: Who were you wearing at the Grammys recently?

NB: Abd Mahfouz.

JN: How did you wind up working with the Rascal Flatts?

NB: We connected and they said,

"We have this cool song and would you like to sing on it?" I heard it and it gave me goose bumps. I had to do it. I respect them. They are kind of pop/country and I thought it would be a new area for me. I am really impressed by their musicality. I am performing with them at an event that is happening soon. Justin Beiber is also playing at the concert.

JN: Your song "Touch" was a dynamic first single off the new album.

NB: Well, thank you.

JN: What inspired it?

NB: We are all intimately connected with our lives. Every interaction has a reaction. The thing that struck me is that we are deeply connected.

JN: Why did you choose "Strip Me" as your title track?

NB: Basically what the album is about is that when you strip everything away and no matter what one earns, or achieves or their orientation is everyone is human and has the same desires and fears. That is the theme. I am really inspired by my listeners. This new album is for everyone and a gift for them.

JN: Do you have a third single coming out?

NB: Yes, look out for it in a couple of months. It is called "Weightless." It is about everyone being a VIP.

JN: How is your brother, Daniel?

NB: He's good! He is working right now in London. He is making some amazing music.

JN: How do you feel about "Unwritten" being on a Pantene commercial?

NB: Oh, I love it. As a songwriter I write the music and I just want to get it out there. I like finding new avenues to do that musically.

JN: Are you coming to Chicago eventually?

NB: Definitely. I will tell them to put that on my new tour.

JN: Oh, good! Are you excited to see all of your lesbian fans at Dinah?

NB: I am sooo excited! It is going to be incredible. I heard it is the most fun weekend ever. There are pool parties where people can live it up. I think I will take a whole bunch of my girlfriends and have girl time.

Girl time begins at The Dinah from March 30 to April 3. To purchase tickets visit www.thedinah.com.

If you can't make it to Palm Springs then catch Natasha on ABC on March 12 for details log onto http://www.natashabedingfield.com/us/frontpage.

Interviewed by Jerry Nunn. Jerry Nunn is a contributing writer to the GoPride Network. His work is also featured in Windy City Times, Nightspots Magazine and syndicated nationally.