Meet the August Bartender Babe of the Month Lisa

Fri. July 30, 2004 12:00 AM
by Keely Schalk

This months featured bartender is the always vivacious with a splash of attitude, Lisa. Find out a bit more about her and then belly up to the bar and order one of her specialties!

How long have you been bartending?
I have been bartending since the womb, my mother was a bartender when she was pregnant with
me, so I guess it's in the blood! Really though, I have been bartending for seven years!

How did you get into the bartenders art of "flaring"?
I have always had an interest in flaring, I guess it started when I watched the movie "Cocktail". I learned how to do it at Friday's where I worked for three years, they actually also trained Tom Cruise for the movie!

Where can people go to catch you "live"?
I work at Circuit Nightclub on Friday and Saturday nights 9pm-5am and at Sound Bar on Sundays! (I am also looking for something Mon-Thurs if any one is interested!)

Favorite thing about bartending?
I love coming up with new and fun drinks for people to try!! It's cool when they like something I make and I am the only one that knows how to make it. (keeps them coming back!)

Least favorite thing about it?
Least favorite thing is probably the smoke, I do not smoke so I hate coming home smelling like an ashtray, but I deal with it. I keep a bottle of Frebreeze in my car, hee hee!

What is your passion?
My passion is life and enjoying it!! I love to have FUN and make people laugh!

What do you do when you aren't busy bartending?
I, believe it or not, am a drag king, and I love it! I love being on stage and shocking people because they don't ever expect me to look like a guy! I love to perform and to pretend that I am someone different, it's a great release!

Catch Lisa at the Chix Mix parties every 1st and 3rd Friday at Circuit, 3641 N. Halsted, every last Saturday at Kingdom Come (Chicago Drag Kings) at Circuit and then the remaning Friday and Saturday nights - Boyz Nites at Circuit. Plus she's serving up drinks and a bit of her sexy attitude in the Femme FlavoRED Room at Sound Bar, 226 W. Ontario, every Sunday night.

Quick Questions

Fruits or Veggies?

Beach or Mountains?

Beer or Wine?

Smoking or Non

Cars: Fast or Cute

Tattoos or Piercings

Coffee or Tea

Rich or Famous

Movie Theater or Rent A Movie
Rent a Movie