DB: I'd pay good money to see a Cheeks rom-com on the big screen. Speaking of which, the series has taken on another life, in comic book form with Dark Horse Comics. What inspired that?
BB : At the time we didn't know if we were going to continue the show and so we wanted to keep telling the story and wanted to keep playing with tropes, so we thought about doing a comic book because Jane had done the Buffy comic with Dark Horse. We thought, "That sounds like fun," so we went to Dark Horse and they said, "Cool!" Like we made the series inspired by sitcom icons, we did the same thing with the comic books. And ask a bunch of the same questions about relationships or gender role.
DB: How'd it feel to see yourselves drawn as comics?
SH: It was awesome! It was six different artists and how they captured it, like, "Wow! I make that face!" The Sci-Fi, where we're in space was my favorite. And the Sherlock one, maybe because they were the most realistic? But they were kinda all my favorite because it was cool to see myself as an Archie character too. It's very hard to pick, there was something that I loved about all of them.
JE: It was very fun to see those drawings come in.
DB: Can there be a Billy (the gay slayer from Buffy) and Cheeks cross over? (the group laughs) Just kidding.
JE: I don't know if has to be "just kidding," though. Andrew does wear a Husbands t-shirt in one issue of the Buffy comics, so clearly Andrew is a fan.
DB: So fictional geeks love Husbands. What's the reception been like for the series at comic cons?
JE: Overwhelmingly positive.
SH: Every time.
BB: Yesterday we had a signing with Dark Horse and the whole time the line didn't stop! And people stood and waited in line, which I thought, was crazy! I thought, "Maybe if there's not a line, people will wander by." And I mean, they were there and lined up for the hour and every single one of them had a book and really empathic. People brought their own pictures that they printed out at home that they wanted us to sign. It was really cool because it seems to get more and more intense.
JE: And people are getting more and more focused on Husbands. It used to be the signings were mostly people who were there to get a Buffy book signed and then take a Husbands picture because we had them. But apparently they took those Husbands pictures home and went to the website and watched the show because now they are there for Husbands and not as a secondary thing to Buffy which is really gratifiying because we set out to make this shine and stand on its own and now it does.