C2E2 Day 1: Report From The Floor
Fri. April 26, 2013 12:00 AM
by Danny Bernardo
The first day of a comic book convention is always getting the lay of the land. You scope out the art you want to buy, you highlight the panels you want to see, you start pricing the books, toys, and other merch that will make it into your backpack. Here are some highlights from C2E2 2013 Day 1:
Commission from Morning Glories Artist Joe Eisma :
It's no secret that Morning Glories from Image Comics is one of my favorite series. it's got very smart writing from Nick Spencer, a gay Asian, and beautiful art by Nick Eisma. If you're lucky enough to go to a convention that features one of your favorite artists in Artist Alley, I definitely suggest contacting them and getting a commission.
Joe was kind enough to make some time in his busy convention schedule to do a commission for me of the Morning Glories guys as my three favorite superheroes, Spider-Man, Iceman, and Human Torch. Because I reached out to him prior, he was able to start the process and refine it over the weekend. Here's where he is so far. I'll keep you posted over the weekend as he finishes this beautiful piece for me.
Kill Shakespeare live!
Last month, Strawdog Theatre presented a living graphic novel Kill Shakespeare . It was one of my must-see shows for March! It was an innovative way to bring a comic book to life. They presented it on the Variant Stage today, with the creators in attendance.
Geeks OUT booth!
It was great to see the New York team from Geeks OUT mingle with some of the Chicago community members as they spread the geek love in our first convention presence outside of New York!
Awesome Cosplay
It's kind of an inside secret that cosplayers save their A-Game for the Saturday of a convention. But day 1 of C2E2 set the bar pretty high:
With Spider-Man and Iron Fist
That was just the first day of awesomeness! Feel free to follow my adventures the rest of the weekend on twitter or instagram
Photo credit: David Dorton