Pelosi Delivers Mixed Bag Of Gay News

Thu. May 7, 2009 12:00 AM by

Chicago, IL - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivered a mixed bag of news for gay advocates Wednesday.

Speaking at a press conference, Pelosi said that Congress should stay out of the gay marriage debate in the District of Columbia – good news – but then added she would not press for repeal of DOMA.

Tuesday, the Washington D.C. Council passed on a 12 to 1 vote to recognize legal gay marriages performed in other states and countries, and Mayor Andrian M. Fenty, a Democrat, has said he will sign the bill into law. But under Home Rule any laws passed by the council are subject to a 30-day review period by the U.S. Congress.

Leaders in the District openly admit recognition of out-of-state gay nuptials is the first step in an effort to legalize such unions.

"The District of Columbia has said it would recognize [gay] marriages in states where they are legal," Pelosi told reporters. "I don't think the Congress should intervene there in terms of their recognition of marriage in the states that allow them, any more than we did when New York made a similar declaration that they would recognize [out-of-state gay] marriages."

But when asked about repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, the 1996 law that defines marriage as a heterosexual union for federal agencies, Pelosi became evasive.

"Members will make a priority of issues like gays in the military, and where we have prospects of success, we always want to expand to a place of more opportunity and more freedom for all Americans."

"But right now our agenda is jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, and as we move on that front, concurrently, we have to make some decisions about what is possible in our values based initiatives as well," Pelosi said.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine