Emanuel names Deb Mell to succeed father as alderman
Wed. July 24, 2013 8:08 AM by GoPride.com News Staff

state rep. deb mell (right) with wife christin baker
photo credit // chicagopride.com
Deb Mell becomes Chicago's first openly lesbian alderman
Chicago, IL -
As anticipated, Mayor Rahm Emanuel today named out lesbian state Rep. Deb Mell (D-Chicago) to succeed her retiring father on the Chicago City Council.
Earlier this month after nearly 40 years of service, Ald. Richard Mell, 74, announced his resignation, which became effective today.
Deb Mell, 44, will become the council's first out lesbian and third openly LGBT alderman in Chicago, after Alds. Tom Tunney and James Cappleman. In 2010, Mell and her partner, Christin Baker, were married in Iowa and she has remained a strong advocate for same-sex marriage in Illinois. Mell was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.
During a morning press conference, Mayor Emanuel said Mell will be "breaking glass ceilings" as the council's first lesbian member.
"I can't be happier to bring both Deb and Christin and welcome them in as members of the City Council," said Emanuel. He added that the couple would bring diversity and experience to "represent the whole city and give voice to it."
Emanuel noted Mell's accomplishments as state representative, a position she has held since 2009.
"I'm completely committed to demonstrating to every member and every resident of the 33rd Ward that I am ready to serve and work tirelessly on their behalf," said Mell, who was joined this morning by Baker. " I love this area. I grew up here. I learned to drive a car on these streets, ride a bike on these streets."
Emanuel is expected to swear in Mell as 33rd Ward alderman at today's City Council meeting. She will serve out the remainder of her father's term, which ends in 2015.
A blue ribbon committee was responsible for selecting the top candidates for the job, then Mayor Emanuel made the final selection. The City Council must approve her appointment.
"Deb brings a strong legislative and voting record and a unique level of experience to the role, which separated her from other candidates for the position, and will allow her to immediately able make a strong impact on behalf of the residents of the 33rd ward," Emanuel said in a released statement. "She is a proven legislator and will be a great addition to the city council."
The other candidates included Robert F. Elrick; Elizabeth Lynn Gomez; Gretchen Carol Helmreich; Jonathan Andrew Markel; Mallen Elizabeth Pittman-Fernandez; Grace Trocollo Rink; Edmund Joseph Sieracki; Matthew Boyd Terry; Andrew Amador Tinajero; Annisa Michele Wanat and Sergiusz Piotr Zgrzebski.
Earlier this month after nearly 40 years of service, Ald. Richard Mell, 74, announced his resignation, which became effective today.
Deb Mell, 44, will become the council's first out lesbian and third openly LGBT alderman in Chicago, after Alds. Tom Tunney and James Cappleman. In 2010, Mell and her partner, Christin Baker, were married in Iowa and she has remained a strong advocate for same-sex marriage in Illinois. Mell was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.
During a morning press conference, Mayor Emanuel said Mell will be "breaking glass ceilings" as the council's first lesbian member.
"I can't be happier to bring both Deb and Christin and welcome them in as members of the City Council," said Emanuel. He added that the couple would bring diversity and experience to "represent the whole city and give voice to it."
Emanuel noted Mell's accomplishments as state representative, a position she has held since 2009.
"I'm completely committed to demonstrating to every member and every resident of the 33rd Ward that I am ready to serve and work tirelessly on their behalf," said Mell, who was joined this morning by Baker. " I love this area. I grew up here. I learned to drive a car on these streets, ride a bike on these streets."
Emanuel is expected to swear in Mell as 33rd Ward alderman at today's City Council meeting. She will serve out the remainder of her father's term, which ends in 2015.
A blue ribbon committee was responsible for selecting the top candidates for the job, then Mayor Emanuel made the final selection. The City Council must approve her appointment.
"Deb brings a strong legislative and voting record and a unique level of experience to the role, which separated her from other candidates for the position, and will allow her to immediately able make a strong impact on behalf of the residents of the 33rd ward," Emanuel said in a released statement. "She is a proven legislator and will be a great addition to the city council."
The other candidates included Robert F. Elrick; Elizabeth Lynn Gomez; Gretchen Carol Helmreich; Jonathan Andrew Markel; Mallen Elizabeth Pittman-Fernandez; Grace Trocollo Rink; Edmund Joseph Sieracki; Matthew Boyd Terry; Andrew Amador Tinajero; Annisa Michele Wanat and Sergiusz Piotr Zgrzebski.