Canada Approves Same-Sex Marriage Legislation, Cements Liberal Image
Thu. June 30, 2005 12:00 AM by
Toronto, CA -
Following Tuesday’s approval by the Canadian Parliament to allow same-sex marriage legislation throughout the country, Canada's image throughout the world as one of most socially liberal nations has been firmly cemented, say a number of leading political analysts.
“We are affirming once again our world-wide reputation as a country that is open, inclusive and welcoming,” Alex Munter, a spokesman for Canadians for Equal Marriage, said after the 158 to 133 vote came down Tuesday evening. Canada becomes only the third country after Belgium and the Netherlands to legalize gay marriage. In the United States, gay marriage is only legal in Massachusetts.
Despite fierce opposition from Conservatives and religious leaders and following months of uncertainty among Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and his minority Liberal Party, legislation made it through the House of Commons this week and is expected to have an easy time passing Senate and becoming federal law by the end of July.
Canada has a history of swinging more liberal on social issues than the United States, where President Bush continues to urge Congress to pass an amendment to the constitution banning gay marriages.
“We are a nation of minorities,” Martin said in a press conference, according to Reuters. “And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don’t cherry-pick rights.”
Martin, a Roman Catholic, has said that despite anyone’s personal beliefs, all Canadians should be granted the same rights to marriage.
"Congratulate yourselves. You are part of the most diverse, tolerant and open-minded place on earth," John Ibbitson, columnist for the Globe and Mail newspaper, which traditionally backs the ruling Liberal party, wrote in the paper’s Op-Ed pages Wednesday. “And yesterday proved the thesis once again.” There are an estimated 34,000 gay and lesbian couples throughout Canada, according to government statistics.
Written By Ross von Metzke
“We are affirming once again our world-wide reputation as a country that is open, inclusive and welcoming,” Alex Munter, a spokesman for Canadians for Equal Marriage, said after the 158 to 133 vote came down Tuesday evening. Canada becomes only the third country after Belgium and the Netherlands to legalize gay marriage. In the United States, gay marriage is only legal in Massachusetts.
Despite fierce opposition from Conservatives and religious leaders and following months of uncertainty among Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and his minority Liberal Party, legislation made it through the House of Commons this week and is expected to have an easy time passing Senate and becoming federal law by the end of July.
Canada has a history of swinging more liberal on social issues than the United States, where President Bush continues to urge Congress to pass an amendment to the constitution banning gay marriages.
“We are a nation of minorities,” Martin said in a press conference, according to Reuters. “And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don’t cherry-pick rights.”
Martin, a Roman Catholic, has said that despite anyone’s personal beliefs, all Canadians should be granted the same rights to marriage.
"Congratulate yourselves. You are part of the most diverse, tolerant and open-minded place on earth," John Ibbitson, columnist for the Globe and Mail newspaper, which traditionally backs the ruling Liberal party, wrote in the paper’s Op-Ed pages Wednesday. “And yesterday proved the thesis once again.” There are an estimated 34,000 gay and lesbian couples throughout Canada, according to government statistics.
Written By Ross von Metzke
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