Gay independent donor says that Mitt Romney owes him a refund

Tue. May 15, 2012 7:52 PM by News Staff

Washington, D.C. - An openly-gay donor who is a registered independent is demanding that Mitt Romney give him a refund.

"I feel that I no longer wish to support your presidential campaign and ask you that you please return the maximum contribution that I gave to you last year," CNN reported that Bill White wrote in a letter. "You have chosen to be on the wrong side of history and I do not support your run for president any longer."

White told CNN he disagrees with President Barack Obama on fiscal issues, but that marriage is more important than money.

"I feel like [Romney has] declared war on my marriage," White said. "And I could just sit back and not say anything. Or I could do something about it. And I've chosen to do something about it."

White is from New York and has supported both Republicans and Democrats in the past, including former presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.