Watergate mastermind, anti-gay zealot Chuck Colson dies

Sat. April 21, 2012 11:46 PM by GoPride.com News Staff

Washington, D.C. - Nixon "hatchet man" and anti-gay religious zealot Chuck Colson died on Saturday.

Colson had been hospitalized since he had a brain hemorrhage last month. He was 80.

Colson was called President Richard Nixon's "evil genius" and was the architect of the Watergate break-in. He served seven months in prison for his participation.

After he got out of prison, Colson founded "Prison Fellowship," which works with inmates in 113 countries.

Colson's evangelical proselytizing didn't stop at the prison bars, though -- he worked tirelessly to spread his conservative views throughout the country, and eventually got half a million people to sign his anti-gay "Manhattan Declaration."

"Some who enter into same-sex and polyamorous relationships no doubt regard their unions as truly marital," the Declaration reads. "They fail to understand, however, that marriage is made possible by the sexual complementarity of man and woman, and that the comprehensive, multi-level sharing of life that marriage is includes bodily unity of the sort that unites husband and wife biologically as a reproductive unit."