Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation names Herndon Graddick president

Sun. April 15, 2012 1:42 PM by News Staff

herndon graddick

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Chicago, IL - The National Board of Directors of Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) announced Saturday that they have named Herndon Graddick as GLAAD's new President. Herndon is currently serving as the organization's Vice President of Programs and Communications.

"Herndon is already a well-respected leader within the LGBT movement, and we believe will be a visionary and strategic leader for GLAAD's culture-changing work," Sheri Fults, national co-chair of GLAAD's board of directors, said in a statement.

"Right now GLAAD and our partners in the LGBT movement are making a significant difference at a time when a difference needs to be made," said Graddick. "I look forward to working with our dedicated staff to create a culture where there is a welcoming and respected space for LGBT Americans. GLAAD's work with the media to inspire Americans to speak out against anti-LGBT actions and support equality is needed today more than ever."

Herndon is the current Vice President of Programs and Communications at GLAAD, a position he assumed in 2010. In his role, he has lead GLAAD's media initiatives and oversees the organization's National & Local News; Entertainment; People of Color; Religion, Faith & Values; Advertising; and Spanish-Language Media programs. Under his leadership, GLAAD has engaged in numerous highly visible and impactful campaigns including 'Stand Up For Ellen,' which prompted the group One Million Moms – a project of the American Family Association – to end their call for J.C. Penney to fire Ellen DeGeneres as its new spokesperson because she is gay.

Prior to his work at GLAAD, Herndon served as the Executive Producer of the Global Observatory, a media and communications effort which aimed to bring public awareness to the climate change crisis. He also served as Supervising Producer at E! Networks and the day-of-air news division director at CURRENT TV, the youth-oriented news and entertainment network created by former Vice President Al Gore. As a producer at CNN, Herndon also contributed to the creation of daily primetime programming such as "Paula Zahn Now," "Anderson Cooper 360," and "Live from the Headlines."