Swedish tourism dept. lets residents, including 'lesbian truck driver,' take over Twitter

Tue. January 17, 2012 11:30 AM by GoPride.com News Staff

Sweden - Sweden's Department of Tourism is trying a Democratic approach to the agency's @sweden Twitter account; they're letting a new Swedish resident take it over every week, including a woman who described herself as "just your average lesbian truck driver."

The Twitter account has 20,000 followers, reported Reuters, but it's growing by leaps and bounds every day.

That's due to the friendly and sometimes wacky posts by the weekly guest hosts, which have included Hanna (the lesbian truck driver), Anders Dalenius (who likes to hunt wild boar) and Hasan Ramic (who tried to represent "the more colorful side of Sweden.")

Hanna, who also writes her own blog, tweeted that she really liked being involved.

"Gosh, I really enjoy being @sweden," she Tweeted. "They'll have to grab the account out of my dying hands."