Teen anti-bullying activist announces nationwide speaking tour

Wed. December 21, 2011 6:30 AM by GoPride.com News Staff

benni cinkle makes holiday stockings for l.a. youth agencies

Benni Cinkle shares personal experiences in schools coast to coast

New York - After founding the anti-bullying non-profit That Girl in Pink Fountain—named for her internet--popular appearance in Rebecca Black's "Friday" music video—-Benni Cinkle, 14, further connects with other young people through her blog on The Huffington Post, Livestream channel and via community outreach.

Currently, the foundation is sponsoring Cinkle in a national school-speaking tour where she will speak with kids across the country about her experience being on the receiving end of a cruel cyber-bullying campaign and discuss ways in which others can make it through similar situations.

As of the press time, the tour has four confirmed dates with engagements in California, Minnesota and Pennsylvania, January through mid-February 2012.

In addition to the upcoming school tours, That Girl in Pink Foundation has also contributed to two other Los Angeles social-service agencies with Cinkle's holiday-stocking preparation for the youth at Olive Crest (an organization supporting at-risk children) and Project Hope—fostering homeless young people

Tour locations, times, updates and other foundation information is posted to www.thatgirlinpink.org.

Source: Press release