Conservative gay group uses Oscar controversy to call GLAAD 'the Gay Gestapo'

Sat. November 12, 2011 11:40 AM by News Staff

Washington, D.C. - The conservative gay group GOProud said the successful efforts to oust Brett Ratner as Oscar director after he used an offensive gay slur is another example of the 'Gay Gestapo.'

GOProud Chairman Christopher Barron said that while he agrees Ratner was "an idiot" for saying "rehearsal is for f****" in an interview, Barron believes the "gay left" is selectively enforcing behavior.

He questions why left-leaning folks have not spoken up on behalf of people like Sarah Palin, whose lives have been threatened. He also questioned why GLAAD gave the "Blogger of the Year Award" to "Joe. My. God.," written by Joe Jervis, who Barron said has also physically threatened conservatives.

"GLAAD is the leading mouthpiece for the gay Gestapo in this country," Barron said. "While pretending to be the vanguard for tolerance and diversity, the gay Gestapo is actually committed to stomping out anyone who doesn't buy into their radical left-wing political agenda. For all the talk of 'tolerance' and 'diversity,' it is clear that there is zero tolerance for ideological diversity with the gay Gestapo."