Publishing house owned by Catholic Church publishes porn

Sun. November 6, 2011 11:25 PM by News Staff

Berlin - The Catholic Church is trying to crawl out of a scandal over its wholly-owned publishing house Weltbild, the home of pornographic novels like "Call Me Slut!", "Take Me Here, Take Me Now!" and "Lawyer's Whore."

Weltbild is based in Germany.

The industry magazine "Buchreport" said it employs 6,400 people, brings in billions of Euros a year, and has a couple thousand porn novels on its book list.

Carel Haff, Weltbild's managing director, told the Independent that the company was engaged in "a very intense and critical dialogue" about the issue.

The Catholic Church might attempt to pretend that bishops didn't know about Weltbild's forays into erotica, but the Independent said that bishops had been warned years ago -- in a 70-page letter from concerned parishoners -- that Weltbild was publishing pornography.