HRC takes on Bachmann's homophobia, support of "ex-gay" therapy
Tue. July 19, 2011 6:06 AM by News Staff

marcus and michele bachmann
Washington, D.C. -
Human Rights Campaign is taking on what it calls Michele Bachmann's anti-gay track record, which includes homophobic statements and practices.
The nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization is calling on the candidates for the Republican 2012 Presidential nomination to disavow the dangerous "ex-gay" or "reparative" therapies endorsed by Bachmann and her husband Dr. Marcus Bachmann.
"Michele Bachmann's homophobic views are out of step with mainstream America, and it's time for her fellow GOP presidential contenders to publicly denounce them," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "The past few years we've seen a surge in support for equality and have made important legislative progress. Bachmann's support for things like reparative therapy signals just how fringe a candidate she really is."
Last week Michele Bachmann signed her name to "The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family" pledge created by the ultra-conservative group, The Family Leader. Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney and four other GOP candidates refused to sign the pledge.
HRC says Bachmann has now aligned herself with the falsehood that being gay is a choice and dangerous to public health. The pledge cites a 1997 study from the International Journal of Epidemiology and presents the data in a way that claims nearly half of gay and bisexual men won't reach the age of 65. The publication issued a statement years ago saying the data is regularly taken out of context by anti-gay groups.
Dr. Marcus Bachmann has called gays and lesbians "barbarians" who "need to be disciplined." Though the doctor now suggests the audio tape was edited and he wasn't talking about gays.
The Bachmann's run a Christian clinic in Minnesota, which reportedly participates in the controversial "ex-gay" therapy while receiving state- and federal-funding.
Rep. Bachmann has long been a foe of marriage equality. In 2004, as her home state of Minnesota was debating same-sex marriage, she sent a flier to constituents urging them to raise their voices against equality.
In the flier she compared her warnings about same-sex marriage to that of Orville Ethier, the seaman who tried to alert the U.S. of Japan's attacks on Pearl Harbor.
Bachmann warned that there is a need to "avert an equally impending disaster" known as same-sex marriage.
HRC has launched The Call it Out campaign to track the homophobic activities and positions of Bachmann and her husband.
The first action of the campaign is calling on all other GOP presidential hopefuls to publicly denounce Bachmann's support for reparative therapy, which is a controversial and discredited clinical method designed to "cure" gay people. The dangerous practice has been denounced by the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association.
Supporters can add their voice to HRC's petition. Learn more at
The nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization is calling on the candidates for the Republican 2012 Presidential nomination to disavow the dangerous "ex-gay" or "reparative" therapies endorsed by Bachmann and her husband Dr. Marcus Bachmann.
"Michele Bachmann's homophobic views are out of step with mainstream America, and it's time for her fellow GOP presidential contenders to publicly denounce them," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "The past few years we've seen a surge in support for equality and have made important legislative progress. Bachmann's support for things like reparative therapy signals just how fringe a candidate she really is."
Last week Michele Bachmann signed her name to "The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family" pledge created by the ultra-conservative group, The Family Leader. Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney and four other GOP candidates refused to sign the pledge.
HRC says Bachmann has now aligned herself with the falsehood that being gay is a choice and dangerous to public health. The pledge cites a 1997 study from the International Journal of Epidemiology and presents the data in a way that claims nearly half of gay and bisexual men won't reach the age of 65. The publication issued a statement years ago saying the data is regularly taken out of context by anti-gay groups.
Dr. Marcus Bachmann has called gays and lesbians "barbarians" who "need to be disciplined." Though the doctor now suggests the audio tape was edited and he wasn't talking about gays.
The Bachmann's run a Christian clinic in Minnesota, which reportedly participates in the controversial "ex-gay" therapy while receiving state- and federal-funding.
Rep. Bachmann has long been a foe of marriage equality. In 2004, as her home state of Minnesota was debating same-sex marriage, she sent a flier to constituents urging them to raise their voices against equality.
In the flier she compared her warnings about same-sex marriage to that of Orville Ethier, the seaman who tried to alert the U.S. of Japan's attacks on Pearl Harbor.
Bachmann warned that there is a need to "avert an equally impending disaster" known as same-sex marriage.
HRC has launched The Call it Out campaign to track the homophobic activities and positions of Bachmann and her husband.
The first action of the campaign is calling on all other GOP presidential hopefuls to publicly denounce Bachmann's support for reparative therapy, which is a controversial and discredited clinical method designed to "cure" gay people. The dangerous practice has been denounced by the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association.
Supporters can add their voice to HRC's petition. Learn more at