Gov. Cuomo has signed New York's gay marriage bill
Fri. June 24, 2011 11:23 PM by News Staff

scene outside stonewall inn on friday night
photo credit // twitter feed
Albany, New York -
Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed New York's gay marriage bill just hours after the State Senate voted 33 to 29 late Friday to legalize gay marriage, striking a major victory for gay rights.
The Democratic governor, who has been an enthusiastic leader in championing marriage equality in the state, signed the measure shortly before midnight Friday. The new law will take effect in 30 days.
"This state has a proud tradition and a proud legacy as the progressive capital of the nation," Cuomo said on Friday. "We led the way, and it's time for New York to lead the way again."
New York becomes the sixth state, and by far the largest, where marriage equality will be extended to all people regardless of sexual orientation.
Upon news of the vote, hundreds of people began celebrating outside the Stonewall Inn, a Manhattan bar where riots triggered the birth of the gay rights movement in 1969.
"New York has finally torn down the barrier that has prevented same-sex couples from exercising the freedom to marry and from receiving the fundamental protections that so many couples and families take for granted," Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement.
The passage of the bill in the Republican-controlled Senate was made possible by two Republican senators who had been undecided.
Sen. Stephen Saland, who called it a "vote of conscience" and Sen. Mark Grisanti, a GOP freshman from Buffalo voted for the legislation.
"With the world watching, the Legislature, by a bipartisan vote, has said that all New Yorkers are equal under the law. With this vote, marriage equality will become a reality in our state, delivering long overdue fairness and legal security to thousands of New Yorkers," said Cuomo.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the vote "a historic triumph for equality and freedom."
The legislation allows same-sex couples to qualify for the same 1,324 state marriage benefits afforded to straight couples.
Speaking at an LGBT gala in New York City Thursday night, President Barack Obama said that gay couples "deserve the same legal rights" as all couples. The President has said that gay marriage is an issue best addressed by the states.
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Iowa and Washington, D.C. have legalized gay marriage.
The Democratic governor, who has been an enthusiastic leader in championing marriage equality in the state, signed the measure shortly before midnight Friday. The new law will take effect in 30 days.
"This state has a proud tradition and a proud legacy as the progressive capital of the nation," Cuomo said on Friday. "We led the way, and it's time for New York to lead the way again."
New York becomes the sixth state, and by far the largest, where marriage equality will be extended to all people regardless of sexual orientation.
Upon news of the vote, hundreds of people began celebrating outside the Stonewall Inn, a Manhattan bar where riots triggered the birth of the gay rights movement in 1969.
"New York has finally torn down the barrier that has prevented same-sex couples from exercising the freedom to marry and from receiving the fundamental protections that so many couples and families take for granted," Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement.
The passage of the bill in the Republican-controlled Senate was made possible by two Republican senators who had been undecided.
Sen. Stephen Saland, who called it a "vote of conscience" and Sen. Mark Grisanti, a GOP freshman from Buffalo voted for the legislation.
"With the world watching, the Legislature, by a bipartisan vote, has said that all New Yorkers are equal under the law. With this vote, marriage equality will become a reality in our state, delivering long overdue fairness and legal security to thousands of New Yorkers," said Cuomo.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the vote "a historic triumph for equality and freedom."
The legislation allows same-sex couples to qualify for the same 1,324 state marriage benefits afforded to straight couples.
Speaking at an LGBT gala in New York City Thursday night, President Barack Obama said that gay couples "deserve the same legal rights" as all couples. The President has said that gay marriage is an issue best addressed by the states.
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Iowa and Washington, D.C. have legalized gay marriage.