Virginia state lawmaker claims gay pride flag at Fed Bank shows 'deficiency of judgement'

Fri. June 3, 2011 8:26 PM by News Staff

Richmond, Va. - Virginia state lawmaker Robert G. Marshall wants the Federal Reserve Bank in Richmond to stop flying the gay pride flag below the American flag.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that in a letter, Marshall complained to Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker that the rainbow flag was a symbol of decadence and that gays and lesbians cost governments more money.

The flag shows "a serious deficiency of judgment by your organization, one not limited to social issues," Marshall wrote.

The letter claims that homosexuality "adds significantly to illness, increases health costs, promotes venereal diseases, and worsens the population imbalance relating to the number of workers supporting the beneficiaries of America's Social Security and Medicare programs."

Marshall did not stop there.

"The Richmond Fed's endorsement of costly, anti-social, immoral behavior is rejected by 6,000 years of Western Religious and moral teaching. You want the American people to trust [you] in economic matters when your spokesperson celebrates an attack on public morals?"

Marshall is known in Virginia for being even farther right than many Republicans, and once claimed that mothers who have abortions are more likely to have disabled children later, as God wreaks his "vengence."