Gay marriage supporters to present giant wedding card to William and Kate

Mon. April 25, 2011 7:16 AM by News Staff

London - Gay marriage supporters have put together a gigantic wedding card, which they are bringing to Buckingham Palace today and offering to Prince William and his bride-to-be, Kate Middleton.

The card reads: "Congratulations William and Kate on your Wedding Day. We wish you a happy life together. You can get married, gay people can't. We are banned by law. We ask you to support marriage equality. Equal=Love."

"The royal couple are lucky: they have the option to get married," organizer Peter Tachtell told the Independent. "Gay couples don't have this option. They are barred by law from marriage."

Eight couples who have asked the European Court of Human Rights to end the ban on same-sex civil unions in the UK will also attend the protest.