Tennesssee state senate committee passes 'Don't Say Gay' bill
Fri. April 22, 2011 1:20 PM by GoPride.com News Staff

state sen. stacey campfield
Nashville -
A proposed law that would prohibit teachers in grades K-8 from even saying the word "gay" has passed a key committee in the Tennessee State Senate.
Sen. Stacey Campfield (R-Knoxville) said his bill is meant to let parents decide what children should know about homosexuality.
Meanwhile, Campfield might be in ethical trouble for demanding that filmmaker Del Shores pay him $1,000 to debate the bill.
"I am not going to fly to Texas or wherever (He has no location set up as of yet) pay for a hotel, meals, rental car, etc. out of my own pocket," Campfield said on his own blog.
Gay groups that Shores approached refused to provide the money, pointing out that it might go to further anti-LGBT activities.
KnoxNews.com said that the demand for money might have violated state legislative ethics laws.
Sen. Stacey Campfield (R-Knoxville) said his bill is meant to let parents decide what children should know about homosexuality.
Meanwhile, Campfield might be in ethical trouble for demanding that filmmaker Del Shores pay him $1,000 to debate the bill.
"I am not going to fly to Texas or wherever (He has no location set up as of yet) pay for a hotel, meals, rental car, etc. out of my own pocket," Campfield said on his own blog.
Gay groups that Shores approached refused to provide the money, pointing out that it might go to further anti-LGBT activities.
KnoxNews.com said that the demand for money might have violated state legislative ethics laws.