TCRA calls for Illinois Sheriff's resignation following gay slur
Sun. March 27, 2011 11:17 AM by News Staff

sheriff don schieferdecker
photo credit // schuyler co. sheriff's dept.
Schuyler County Sheriff must step down after “Fag Jew Boy” comment posted on Facebook, says TCRA
Chicago, IL -
A west-central Illinois county sheriff is under fire after making a derogatory post on Facebook. Schuyler County Sheriff Don Schieferdecker referred to a co-worker as a "little fag Jew boy."
The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA), an Illinois' statewide LGBTQ advocacy and political organization, has called for Schieferdecker's resignation.
"It is absolutely incomprehensible that an elected official would use such language to refer to a subordinate," stated Anthony Martinez, Executive Director of The Civil Rights Agenda.
Schieferdecker has admitted to making the comment and told AOL News: "It was a -- what I thought to be a harmless joke between friends and employees that I wasn't aware of that was going out worldwide."
"The fact is, the comment is now public and there should be consequences for statements such as this," responded Martinez. "It sends the message that it is appropriate to mock Jewish people and people who are gay or part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community."
Scott Thompson, mayor of Rushville, Ill., has called Schieferdecker a friend and has not called for his resignation.
The Civil Rights Agenda is asking residents of Illinois, especially residents of Schuyler County, to contact the Sheriff and respectfully ask him to step down. In a press release, TCRA provided contact information for the Sheriff: (217) 322-4366 or email
"We will be watching this very closely," said Martinez. "We will be contacting the elected officials in the area, and other organizations and groups within the state that will work with us to ensure that the Sheriff is held accountable for his discriminatory remarks."
For his part, Schieferdecker told AOL News: "I am extremely sorry."
The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA), an Illinois' statewide LGBTQ advocacy and political organization, has called for Schieferdecker's resignation.
"It is absolutely incomprehensible that an elected official would use such language to refer to a subordinate," stated Anthony Martinez, Executive Director of The Civil Rights Agenda.
Schieferdecker has admitted to making the comment and told AOL News: "It was a -- what I thought to be a harmless joke between friends and employees that I wasn't aware of that was going out worldwide."
"The fact is, the comment is now public and there should be consequences for statements such as this," responded Martinez. "It sends the message that it is appropriate to mock Jewish people and people who are gay or part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community."
Scott Thompson, mayor of Rushville, Ill., has called Schieferdecker a friend and has not called for his resignation.
The Civil Rights Agenda is asking residents of Illinois, especially residents of Schuyler County, to contact the Sheriff and respectfully ask him to step down. In a press release, TCRA provided contact information for the Sheriff: (217) 322-4366 or email
"We will be watching this very closely," said Martinez. "We will be contacting the elected officials in the area, and other organizations and groups within the state that will work with us to ensure that the Sheriff is held accountable for his discriminatory remarks."
For his part, Schieferdecker told AOL News: "I am extremely sorry."