'Glee's' Darren Criss, Chris Colfer cover Entertainment Weekly's gay teen issue

Sat. January 22, 2011 6:17 AM by OnTopMag.com

Los Angeles, CA - Glee stars Darren Criss and Chris Colfer grace the cover of Entertainment Weekly's story on gay visibility on teen shows.

Colfer plays gay bullied student Kurt Hummel on the Fox musical comedy. Criss joined the show's cast in its second season. He plays out-and-proud student Blaine Anderson.

The show has so far dodged escalating the choir boy's relationship from friendship to romance, but hints that the pair are headed in that direction have surfaced. For example, Kurt and Blaine will sing a duet on the show's February 8 Valentine's Day episode.

The issue – available on newsstands – focuses on "how producers and networks are making up for years of on-air silence and providing inspiration for real-life youth (and parents) still searching for answers."

"People are going nuts over the Blaine and Kurt fiasco that's going on," Colfer, who recently won a Golden Globe for his role, said in a video clip to promote the issue. "Like they are nuts. I have never seen anything like it before."

Criss said the storyline has received "incredibly positive response both from the gay and straight community."

"A lot of people have sent me letters where they've been really moved and kind of reevaluated the way they thought about things and that is really cool," Criss added.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine