This New Year's Eve, gays, lesbians and frat boys might drink heavily

Fri. December 31, 2010 4:45 PM by News Staff

Chicago, IL - This New Year's Eve, consider this: studies show that when it comes to drinking a lot of alcohol, gay men outdo straight men and frat boys outdo just about everyone.

The statistics on alcohol consumption were gathered by The Daily Beast.

In the Year 2000 National Alcohol Survey, 75 percent of gays and lesbians reported they were "current drinkers," as opposed to 59 percent of straight people. The gay, lesbian and bisexual respondents also reported more problems coming from their drinking.

And in a study done by California State University, researchers found that students who were neither athletes nor members of the Greek system typically drank less than two drinks while at a bar or party. In contrast, fraternity and sorority members drank three, and athletes in sororities and fraternities really left the others high and dry, consuming 6.5 drinks.

When it comes to the drunkest cities, Milwaukee tops the list (with the average adult drinking 12.76 drinks per month), Chicago ranks 29th, and Baltimore 37th.