Gov. Pat Quinn celebrates civil unions victory
Thu. December 2, 2010 10:18 PM by News Staff

gov. pat quinn addresses the crowd at world of chocolate
photo credit // anthony meade
Quinn tells LGBT community: I'm going to sign that law
Chicago, IL -
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn Thursday night reiterated a campaign promise to sign landmark civil unions legislation into law. The governor made the public statement during an appearance in downtown Chicago.
"This week I think we extended and expanded human rights in our State of Illinois," Gov. Quinn said from a stage situated in the middle of the International Ballroom at the Hilton Chicago.
"We used the power of democracy and we worked together to make sure that we would have a law in Illinois authorizing civil unions. That law will land on my desk very shortly and I'm going to sign that law."
The crowd of several hundred people then burst into loud applause and cheers.
"We have to fight to make sure everyone is left in and no one is left out," he concluded.
Gov. Quinn was guest of honor at the annual World of Chocolate event to benefit the work of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. The ballroom was energetic as attendees thanked and congratulated the governor, who was shaking hands and posing for photos.
AFC president and CEO Mark Ishaug introduced the governor.
"We are so fortunate to have a governor that cares about people living with and affected by AIDS and who has been our champion for years."
"We are also fortunate to have a governor who worked very very hard with Greg Harris and many people in the Illinois General Assembly and the Illinois Senate to pass the civil union bill in the State of Illinois."
"I thank you governor for your leadership," said Ishaug.
Gov. Quinn then held a short press conference with the media where he thanked the LGBT community for its support during the Illinois gubernatorial election, which he narrowly won over Republican State. Sen. Bill Brady.
The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act (SB 1716) passed in the Illinois Senate by a 32-24-1 vote Wednesday after passing in the Illinois House by a 61-52 majority vote on Tuesday.
With Gov. Quinn's signature, gay and lesbian couples will be able to have their unions legally recognized by the state effective July 1, 2011.
Related: Photos from AFC's World of Chocolate
"This week I think we extended and expanded human rights in our State of Illinois," Gov. Quinn said from a stage situated in the middle of the International Ballroom at the Hilton Chicago.
"We used the power of democracy and we worked together to make sure that we would have a law in Illinois authorizing civil unions. That law will land on my desk very shortly and I'm going to sign that law."
The crowd of several hundred people then burst into loud applause and cheers.
"We have to fight to make sure everyone is left in and no one is left out," he concluded.
Gov. Quinn was guest of honor at the annual World of Chocolate event to benefit the work of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. The ballroom was energetic as attendees thanked and congratulated the governor, who was shaking hands and posing for photos.
AFC president and CEO Mark Ishaug introduced the governor.
"We are so fortunate to have a governor that cares about people living with and affected by AIDS and who has been our champion for years."
"We are also fortunate to have a governor who worked very very hard with Greg Harris and many people in the Illinois General Assembly and the Illinois Senate to pass the civil union bill in the State of Illinois."
"I thank you governor for your leadership," said Ishaug.
Gov. Quinn then held a short press conference with the media where he thanked the LGBT community for its support during the Illinois gubernatorial election, which he narrowly won over Republican State. Sen. Bill Brady.
The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act (SB 1716) passed in the Illinois Senate by a 32-24-1 vote Wednesday after passing in the Illinois House by a 61-52 majority vote on Tuesday.
With Gov. Quinn's signature, gay and lesbian couples will be able to have their unions legally recognized by the state effective July 1, 2011.
Related: Photos from AFC's World of Chocolate