Ugandan newspaper publishes 'top 100 homos' list, says 'hang them'

Tue. October 19, 2010 11:47 PM by News Staff

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Uganda - An English-language Ugandan newspaper has published a front-page story with a list of the "Top 100 Homos" and a banner recommending the men be hanged.

The "Rolling Stone" newspaper (no relation to the American "Rolling Stone") also published the addresses of the men, and four have been attacked. Others are in hiding.

The article also claims that homosexuals are spreading a new disease and that gays are trying to recruit a million children.

"Wine is popped and sometimes gays engage in orgies. This newspaper also discovered that most secondary schools and tertiary institutions have been penetrated by gay activists to recruit kids," the newspaper claims. "The curriculum has been altered to include gay-promoting ideals with the view of brainwashing kids toward bisexual orientation. An informer said so far 10,000 secondary students have been recruited while 100,000 graduates have been enlisted in gay organizations."

The newspaper apparently used Facebook pictures and Gaydar profiles to find people to target.

If you think Uganda is very far away and not your concern, think again. Your tax money is going to the Ugandan government at this very moment.
New York Magazine reports that the United States has given Uganda $1.2 billion since 2003, money that was supposed to be used to fight HIV/AIDS. The Ugandan government has refused to use the money to fight the epidemic amongst gay men.

Last year, a Ugandan legislator introduced a bill that would have instituted the death penalty for gay sex.