President Obama heckled by gay rights, AIDS activists during fundraiser

Wed. September 22, 2010 11:35 PM by News Staff

New York City - President Obama had barely completed a sentence at a Democratic fundraiser in New York City on Wednesday night before he was heckled by gay rights and AIDS activists.

The President was speaking at the Roosevelt Hotel on behalf of several candidates. In total, the fundraiser netted $1.4 million.

Democratic donors might have been a in a generous mood, but the protesters were not. They forced the President to abandon his prepared remarks several times in order to respond to them.

The protesters carried signs that read: "Obama, broken promises KILL!"

"Some of those signs should be going up at the other folks' events, and folks should be hollering at the other folks' event. Because the choice in November could not be clearer," the president said, according to the Associated Press.

The activists would not let up. Finally, the President said: "When I was running for office ... maybe we gave people the wrong impression about how change happens."

The activists had purchased tickets to attend the fundraiser.