Illinois becomes second state to repeal HIV criminalization

Tue. July 27, 2021 8:11 PM by Kevin Wayne

gov. pritzker signs legislation to advance lgbtq rights

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Gov. Pritzker signs series of LGBTQ legislation designed to change laws that he calls 'archaic'

Chicago, IL - Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Tuesday signed into law a legislation package that aims to advance the rights of LGBTQ individuals in the state.

"Today, I'll sign four new bills into law that advance Illinoisans' ability to live their fullest lives as their truest selves," said Pritzker. 

One of the most historic, HB 1063, will make Illinois only the second state in the country to completely reverse the criminalization of Illinoisans living with HIV. 


Previously, Illinois was one of 37 states that criminalized HIV exposure in some form, according to the CDC. 

The legislation was championed by state Sen. Robert Peters and state Rep. Carol Ammons.

"The criminalization of HIV does not line up with current science," said Peters. "These laws are outdated, dangerous, and discriminatory, and have no place in modern society.”

Pritzker called the old laws archaic.

“They don't decrease infection rates, but they do increase stigma,” said Pritzker. “It's high time we treat HIV as we do other treatable transmissible diseases.”

HB 1063 will also prevent a State's Attorney from accessing an individual's personal health record for cases. The bill will take effect immediately.

The package of bills signed into law also included: 

HB 3709, which updates the state's existing infertility insurance law to include LGBTQ families and single parents, while reducing the wait time for women over 35.

SB 139, which establishes a process for individuals to correct the gendered language on their marriage certificates. 

HB 2590, which creates a uniform standard that county clerks must adhere to for name changes on marriage certificates. 

The governor was joined at the Center on Halsted by First Lady MK Pritzker, Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton, legislative sponsors, and organizations that made these bills possible.

Earlier this month, Pritzker announced he would seek a second term as governor