New Oprah Winfrey biography fuels gay rumors

Tue. April 13, 2010 12:00 AM by

Kitty Kelly's biography of Oprah Winfrey adds new fuel to rumors that the talk show star is gay.

Oprah: A Biography hit store shelves Tuesday.

Kelly says her 544-page book is the result of over 850 interviews over three years. And is the "first comprehensive biography of one of the most influential, powerful, and admired public figures of our times."

"Readers will come away with a greater appreciation of who Oprah really is beyond her public persona and fuller understanding of her important place in American cultural history," the book's description says.

Exclusive excerpts published Sunday by USA Today reveal Kelly's book will feature celebrities commenting on whether Winfrey and best friend Gayle King are a couple.

"I think they are the emotional equivalent of a gay couple," openly lesbian Rosie O'Donnell is quoted saying during an October 2009 The Howard Stern Show. "When they did that road trip together that's as gay as it gets and I don't mean it to be an insult either. I'm just saying listen, if you ask me that's a gay couple."

"I would not be surprised is Oprah is gay," long-time friend and author Erica Jong says. "If she is, she is. It certainly fits."

"[Oprah boyfriend] Stedman is probably gay or neutral, but they have a bond," Jong adds. "Her being gay would be the right reaction to the sexual abuse she says she's suffered and the mistrust she's always had of men."

Oprah: A Biography is being published by Crown.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine