

Snow Will Be The Death Of Me...At Least Of The Fun Parts

I moved here in June from Charleston, SC, have a boyfriend and I'm looking for friends. We live in Old Town near the Sedgewick stop.

I like going to the movies (even better is Wine and Movie night), I suck at bowling but love wearing the shoes, I have a leather/fur hat named Floyd that saves me from the cold cold snow...I'm fairly ridiculous, but s'cool. So hit me up if you wanna make a new friend or two!

Likes: I have an eclectic taste in men...

Turn-offs: People with too many issues. Military Guys. Girly Bois. "Bois" in general.

Website :


Favorite movies

I'm incapable of choosing faves, lol.

Favorite music

I'm musically retarded, so I just like what like at any given moment

Favorite food

D.C. Hotdogs!

Favorite TV shows

Anything on HGTV. And pretty much all of the "gay" shows: Golden Girls, Will & Grace, etc.