The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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25. Going Your Way

"Come on LaTrice," Josh coached, with flash cards in his hand. "We covered this. The seventh president of the United States was... " "Jackson!" LaTrice blurted out. "Andrew Jackson!" "That's right! And if you pass this GED practice test, I'll take you to a show about him that's playing right n

25. Going Your Way
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"Come on LaTrice," Josh coached, with flash cards in his hand. "We covered this. The seventh president of the United States was... "

"Jackson!" LaTrice blurted out. "Andrew Jackson!"

"That's right! And if you pass this GED practice test, I'll take you to a show about him that's playing right now."

"Ooh a field trip. Are you sure that's ok?"

"Well... maybe if there was another chaperone." Josh said, smiling at Charlie at the next table over.


"It's great to have you back," Josh said to Charlie as he was putting on his coat.

"Thanks," Charlie said, holding the door open for Josh as they walked out of Haven. "I admit I almost didn't make it back. I'm finally catching up at school, but I took over as faculty advisor for the GSA and this quarter just started getting crazy."

"So why'd you come back?"

"For the kids."

"Is that the only reason?" Josh asked, as they arrived at Halsted and Waveland.

"I'm heading this way," Charlie said, pointing south.

"I'll walk with you. I'm going your way."

"Since when? I thought you lived up... "

"Not nowadays."

Charlie paused. "Did you guys move?"

"I moved."


"Do you ever think about the night we met?"


"I think about it. All the time. I don't know about you, but I never have nights like that. Where I feel so connected... this inexplicable spark with someone."

"And then you went off with your boyfriend."

"And then I came back. For you."

"So what does this mean?"

"I don't know. I mean, this thing with Mason, it's not good. We've been together for years and it's not easy to make a clean break. But I know I can't be with him anymore."

"Or for right now."

"Charlie, when I thought you were dead, it killed me not knowing what could've been with you. Not even having the chance to try at least. Have you ever felt that?"

"Yeah... "

"Then you stopped coming to Haven and I thought maybe I was just going through a late quarter life crisis. I should be happy with what I've got. But then, seeing you again, the night of the auction... "

"Did you guys... it's not because of me, is it?"

"No! No. It's a lot of things. But you... you're just a perk."

"Thanks?" Charlie said, waiting for the light to change at Roscoe so that they could cross.

"Seriously. I know it's a lot right now. I know it's weird with everything for me so up in the air. But I thought, maybe we could at least try?"

Charlie was too busy looking at his front stoop to respond. A cute, shaggy haired guy was sitting, waiting anxiously, awkwardly holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hi!" he said, getting up suddenly and beaming as Charlie approached, with Josh trailing behind.

"Omigod," Charlie gasped. "Ben?!"

Note from the author:
And thus concludes another volume! Thank you so much for all the support and feedback. BOYSTOWN is constantly involving story, so keep the feedback coming.

Volume 4 will launch November 19 and we'll be posting Volume 3 Recaps all next week! For teasers and behind the scenes looks, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook. And as always , if you like it, share it!

Just joining us? Start from the very beginning, Volume 1 Chapter 1, by clicking here!

For some odd reason, Volume 2 Chapter 1 has disappeared from the pulldown list. If you're still catching up, find it here.


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