Dude, Where'd My Summer Go?

Sun. August 29, 2004 12:00 AM
by Andy Farriester

I have come to a conclusion that a "summer" in Chicago is in actuality, a three month break from winter. I'm always amused by the bombardment of ads on television and radio around this time of summer, mid-august, that we "gotta get out there and soak up the last rays of summer before winter rears it's ugly head again." Hello! It's still August. We haven't even given the frickin' birds a chance to fly back south before we start pulling out our parkas and snow boots. Putting the chains back onto our tires and stock piling a three year supply of salt for the sidewalks. So, live in the now and do enjoy the weather that we have and is still yet to be enjoyed. Don't worry about winter until it's here. Get out of the house, head to some of my favorite BBQ joints in the city. Where you can mop on the BBQ sauce while you soak up some sun. These are a few of my favorite BBQ joints with good eatin' and even better seatin'.

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