Mavrik's World

Sat. July 24, 2004 12:00 AM
by Peter Mavrik

With an air of officiality that I didn't have earlier, I can now say that I saw Madonna's Reinvention Tour, and it wasn't all that. But a HUGE thank you to Bacardi for funding a brilliant trip to the United Center in a huge limo with fabulous booze and food all night long in a private box. Go Bacardi!!!

Yes, there were big screens. Yes, there were hot dancers AND skaterboys. And yes, Madonna sounds better than ever before. But the energy of the show just wasn't there for me. In fact, most people that I've talked to feel the same way.

It's true that her devotees were on their knees with glee when she brought such adorable tracks as "Hanky Panky" back to the stage. But coupling her history with pictures of people missing limbs, war imagery, and far too much camouflage, she lost me this time around.

We all need a little happy. No, fuck that. We all need a LOT of happy. With all of the negativitiy being hurled at us on a daily basis by the media, it gets harder and harder to find positivity around town. That's the problem I have with Madonna right now. I used to escape into her music. Now I'm afraid to face it because it's not an escape, it's another megaphone screaming about the problems of the world.

And can I just say; I really miss Niki Haris on stage with Madonna.

But let me TELL YOU, Niki turned us OUT at Sound-Bar last Sunday. Bringing some of the most delicious live energy I've experienced in a long time, she made contact with Chicago in a big way. It wasn't just because she was right in the middle of the crowd with people twenty-bodies deep on either side of her stage who were FEELING it! Nor was it just the wonderful music that she shared. It was all of that combined with her beautiful personality that sent the crowd into orbit.

And that's the lesson. Fight against the darkness, or just simply ignore it. If you support something you don't love with all of your heart, you're doing yourself and our community more harm than good.

Now to descend from my soapbox.

In other news, who out there hasn't been to Annex 3? What a gem of a bar! Slip in one afternoon for a quiet early cocktail. Everyone is always friendly, and the drinks are delish. Ika (god I hope I spelled that right) is one of the most fabulous bartenders we have in Chicago. Stop in and see her!

What IS going on with the 'block. Who knows. If someone manages to visit, let me know. I need to peer inside and see what they've done with it.

Ta for now kids. Until next time.

With ya'll in 4/4,
Peter Mavrik