Reviewed: The Gentleman Caller and L'imitation of Life

Tue. April 10, 2018 12:00 AM
by Jerry Nunn

Raven Theatre is conveniently located at 6157 N. Clark St. just a few blocks from my humble abode, and makes a perfect spot to see quality theater without the hustle and bustle of downtown Chicago.

Now running through May 13 we have the world premiere of Philip Dawkins' The Gentleman Caller. It's the story of two great American playwrights William Inge and Tennessee Williams set in 1944. The idea of an interview between the two immediately hit home with me as that is what I do each week.

Rudy Galvan really grabs the audience's attention as the flamboyant Williams while Curtis Edward Jackson as Inge has the harder road to go as the frustrated, budding writer.

We learn much from this tale and it's a joy to watch unfold. These gay men grew up in a difficult time, were in some way rivals, and at least firends. While we may not know what went on behind closed doors, we do know that they liked to drink, had an interesting relationship together, and their legends will continue live on for a long time to come.

Well, worth the price of admission for the ticket found at or call 773-338-2177.

One doesn't have to see the original 1959 film Imitation of Life to enjoy Hell in a Handbag's L'imitation of Life now playing at Stage 773.

The story of Lana Turner and Annie Johnson raising their daughters around the acting world in a classist society is unfortunately still relevant today. Ed Jones as Turner has more costume changes than a Cher concert and relishes every moment of presenting it to the audience! Robert Williams grounds the piece and the kids played by Ashley J. Hicks and Katherine Bellantone knock their characters right out of the park.

David Cerda and the gang continually show Chicago how to do camp well and make the heavy, serious parts of L'imitation easily digestable.

Visit or call 773-327-5252 for tickets before May 6 and get a Life!