Showbiz Q's Top 10
Fri. January 9, 2015 12:00 AM
by Michael J. Roberts
2014 proved another great year for Chicago theatre and to pick just ten proved a challenge as always, but here we go:
1. CICADA, Written by Jerre Dye/ Directed by Erica Weiss/Produced by The Route 66 Theatre Company with the best performances of the year by Aaron Kirby and Amy Matheny 2. Goodman Theatre's BRIGADOON, with a reworked book, is now the masterpiece it was always meant to be. 3 Goodman Theatre's powerful LUNA GALE by Rebecca Gilman is her best and most relevant work to date. 4. Mercury Theatre's perfect production of Avenue Q with the insanely talented Adam Fane's tour de force performance as Rod. 5. Carrie: The Musical produced by Bailiwick Chicago with a stunning performance byCallie Johnson 6. Broadway In Chicago's pre-Broadway production of the musical AMAZING GRACE with Josh Young's powerful performance as John Newton 7. Broadway In Chicago's BUYER AND CELLAR with Michael Urie providing humor and insight on one of our greatest icons like never before. 8. Lyric Opera's epic production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC took the musical to new heights 9. Chris Lemmon's total immersion into his father in JACK LEMMON RETURNS made us internalize the love for our own fathers. 10. Dead Writers Theatre Collective's luscious production of EMMA with newcomer Heather Chrisler's immaculate portrayal of Jane Austin's heroine. This is a year we will also remember Bernie Yvon, Molly Glynn, Eric Eatherly, Shelton Patinkin and Roy Leonard. "Wither so ever they blow, onward to glory we go!" Man of La Mancha