Move over Levi, Ronnie Kroell on the cover of Playgirl?
Mon. January 25, 2010 12:00 AM by Brett Anthony

ronnie kroell
photo credit // boris kravchenko
Chicago, IL -
Forget Levi Johnson, it seems Ronnie Kroell's chiseled body might be the next to grace Playgirl.
Sources tell, Kroell is in negotiations with Playgirl. Unlike Johnson, 26-year-old Kroell has agreed to full frontal nudity.
CP's Bill Pritchard was unable to confirm the speculation. "I haven't heard anything from Ronnie about it," said Pritchard. "We're damn close, but these days he's really living the life of a busy model and student in New York."
The Chicago-native was the runner-up on Bravo's "Make Me A Supermodel," but it was Kroell's combination of good looks, charitable contributions and boy-next-door charm that earned him favor with the show's fans.
"It sure says a lot that Playgirl would consider the gay-next door," said Pritchard.
Kroell, from Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood, was the last remaining male model receiving the second most votes in the first season. One of the most played-up plot lines from the season was Kroell's "bromance" relationship with Ben DiChiara, his straight, married roommate in the models' house.
After the show, Kroell was showcased on the September 2008 cover of Instinct Magazine, but this Playgirl spread promises to be a completely different pictorial.
Kroell has since moved to New York City where he continues modeling and is a student. He also continues philanthropic ventures.
"Make no mistake about it, if he actually does do a shoot with Playgirl he will use it for good," concluded Pritchard.
Sources tell, Kroell is in negotiations with Playgirl. Unlike Johnson, 26-year-old Kroell has agreed to full frontal nudity.
CP's Bill Pritchard was unable to confirm the speculation. "I haven't heard anything from Ronnie about it," said Pritchard. "We're damn close, but these days he's really living the life of a busy model and student in New York."
The Chicago-native was the runner-up on Bravo's "Make Me A Supermodel," but it was Kroell's combination of good looks, charitable contributions and boy-next-door charm that earned him favor with the show's fans.
"It sure says a lot that Playgirl would consider the gay-next door," said Pritchard.
Kroell, from Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood, was the last remaining male model receiving the second most votes in the first season. One of the most played-up plot lines from the season was Kroell's "bromance" relationship with Ben DiChiara, his straight, married roommate in the models' house.
After the show, Kroell was showcased on the September 2008 cover of Instinct Magazine, but this Playgirl spread promises to be a completely different pictorial.
Kroell has since moved to New York City where he continues modeling and is a student. He also continues philanthropic ventures.
"Make no mistake about it, if he actually does do a shoot with Playgirl he will use it for good," concluded Pritchard.