I don't buy my wife flowers or candy for Valentine's day or take her out to eat. In fact, I don't do anything out of the ordinary on that day. That may sound ironic since I claim to be a romantic person. In fact, I think the opposite is true. I don't consider it especially romantic if one does nice things for the love in their life just because they feel obligated. If you feel that there is only one day out of the year (or several if you want to include Christmas, New Years, etc.) that you should plan a romantic occasion, you are missing the picture. The romantic traditions of these holidays were probably created by women because it was the only times in the year the men in their lives would do anything special for them.
EVERY DAY is a potential day to do something special for the one you love. If you are looking for unique days to surprise your sweetheart, try to celebrate on days that would show you put a bit of thought into it. Here are some suggestions. Mark your calendars now! **note** I would not recommend "forgetting" Valentine’s if you are not already being actively romantic year round.
Non-Hallmark Holidays
- Month or year anniversary of your first date
- One month anniversary of her new job
- Six months after her birthday (six months until - her next)
- First day of Spring
- After passing that big test
- On the birthday of one of your children (she went through a lot to bring that baby into the world)
Longest day of the year (June 20)
EVERY DAY is a potential day to do something special for the one you love. If you are looking for unique days to surprise your sweetheart, try to celebrate on days that would show you put a bit of thought into it. Here are some suggestions. Mark your calendars now! **note** I would not recommend "forgetting" Valentine’s if you are not already being actively romantic year round.
Non-Hallmark Holidays
- Month or year anniversary of your first date
- One month anniversary of her new job
- Six months after her birthday (six months until - her next)
- First day of Spring
- After passing that big test
- On the birthday of one of your children (she went through a lot to bring that baby into the world)
Longest day of the year (June 20)
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