Poll: Dean Has Strong Lead Among Gay Voters

Wed. September 10, 2003 12:00 AM by 365gay.com

Syracuse, New York - Former Vermont governor Howard Dean is the leading choice of gay voters according to a poll released today.

The online survey, taken by the S.I. Newhouse School at Syracuse University and OpusComm Group a marking company that specializes in the LGBT communty, asked: "If the 2004 presidential elections were held today, for whom would you vote?"

Dean, who was the architect of Vermont’s civil union law received 37% support. Among the other Democratic contenders for their party's nomination in 2004 Dick Gephardt (D), John Kerry (D), and Joe Lieberman (D) each received 4% of the vote. Carol Moseley-Braun, John Edwards, Bob Graham, Dennis Kucinich, and Al Sharpton each received 2.5% of the vote or less.

George W. Bush, the Republican incumbent, garnered 5.7% of respondent votes, while another 3% prefer a third party contender.

Dean was the clear favorite among all age groups surveyed. His popularity increases from 32% in the 18-24 year old group to more than 45% of respondents 55 and older. Overall, 35% of survey respondents have not yet made up their minds who to vote for in 2004.

Nearly 8,000 people responded to the survey taken in July and August.

The survey suggests that choices made by GLBT voters could have a marked impact on the 2004 elections. "Ninety-two percent of our respondents are registered to vote, as opposed to the national average of 69.5% according to the 2000 U.S. Census," explains Jeffrey Garber, president of OpusComm Group Inc. "This reinforces our findings that the GLBT community is a strong voting block that takes their politics seriously."

"One interesting finding is that the percentage of undecideds decreases with age," said Amy Falkner of Syracuse University, lead researcher on the project. "While a sizable portion of 18-24-year-old respondents have yet to make up their minds, older respondents are much more sure whose camp they are in. Since we know historically that voting participation increases with age, those candidates listed are likely to see strong support from the GLBT community."

by Peter Moore
365Gay.com Newscenter
London Bureau
©365Gay.com® 2003

This article originally appeared on 365gay.com. Republished with permission.