Chicago joins “Great American Kiss-In”

Sat. August 15, 2009 12:00 AM by Jay Shaff

kissing at the bean

photo credit // jay shaff
Chicago, IL - Joining over 50 cities nationwide, "Join the Impact Chicago" organized a Chicago "Kiss In" to protest incidents in San Antonio, TX, El Paso, TX and Salt Lake City, UT, where gay and lesbian couples have been harassed or detained by police for kissing in a public place.

Gathering in the extreme Chicago heat at the Bean of Millennium Park, approximately 75 people listened to a series of brief speeches and unabashedly kissed in front of onlookers and the world.

Attendees were encouraged to attend the October 11, 2009 planned March on Washington, DC planned by Participation with "An Evening with Cleve Jones: The History and Struggle for LGBT Civil Rights" (August 29, 2009, Victory Gardens Theatre) fundraiser to organize buses to Washington was also asked.

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by video partner: (Report by Fausto and Marc, Feast of Fun)