Senate cuts F-22 funding

Wed. July 22, 2009 12:00 AM by Jay Shaff

Matthew Shepard Act survives

Washington, DC - The Senate voted yesterday to cut funding for the controversial F-22 fighter jet. The funding was part of the 2010 defense authorization bill to which the Matthew Shepard Act is attached.

The vote was split, 58-40, with both Democrat and Republican senators from states where the aircraft is built or supported opposing the measure. With the funding for the plane removed, a threatened veto by President Obama now seems unnecessary. Both Illinois Senators Durbin and Burris voted for the cut in funding.

A House version of the bill does include some funding for the F-22, but House and Senate predict that the Senate version of the bill will prevail, putting the Shepard Bill one step closer to enactment and signature by the President.